Sunday 31 January 2016

Natural treatment of Diabetes

Our grandmas have been telling us about the usefulness of certain herbs and spices but it took researches from renowned institutions to establish them as the alternative treatments for Diabetes.

 We have compiled here a list of natural remedies to control the silent killer- diabetes:

Friday 29 January 2016

Best way to get rid of PCOS using herbal remedies

In India, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. Reportedly, around 10 per cent of women in India are affected with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Women with PCOS have various symptoms which may be cosmetic, such as acne, facial hair and pigmentation, gynecological such as irregular periods, infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, or endocrinological such as obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. PCOS is not a disease but a syndrome of multiple symptoms and signs and every woman may not have all the possible symptoms.
There are many ingredients in our kitchen, which are effective in controlling PCOS.

Reasons To Use Coconut Oil Everyday

Reasons  To  Use Coconut Oil Everyday

Coconut Oil is one of the healthiest and most versatile of all oils. Native tropical cultures that thrive on diets made in coconut attribute their heart health, young skin, lustrous hair, dental health, robust immunity, and lean bodies to their beloved tropical trooper.

Pure oil makes a natural supply of food and body medication. It's a real gift from Mother Nature that provides more benefits, particularly when taken daily.

Reasons –
1.Benefit to use as a oil
Unlike Other vegetable, seed and nut oils, 
as well as vegetable oil,  Coconut oil have a very high smoking purpose and will not turn rancid and oxidize once it's heated.

2. Boosts energy levels
Coconut oil is metabolized and regenerate by the liver directly into energy. In his book, Coconut Cures.
3. Helps low food and sugar cravings
People taking coconut oil as a health tonic have noticed accumulated feelings of satisfaction, and therefore the ability to go without food 
for extended periods without  symptom or sugar cravings.

4. Helpful for digestion
Coconut oil is natural antimicrobial, antiviral and medication effects  that ward the body, creating it effective in treating bacteria, fungi, parasites  and various  different contributors to imbalances and upset stomach.When taken along side food it aids within the absorption of fine food nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
5. Sensible  for brain perform and memory
More than half the fat within the brain is saturated. Analysis indicates that taking 
coconut oil daily, as a healthy saturated fat, will nourish the brain that may help in the prevention of brain related diseases
 6. Makes your skin look and feel lovely
Coconut oil is right for dry, rough and wrinkled skin. Its high content of Medium Chain Fatty Acids  makes it simply absorbed by the skin. It prevents stretch marks and lightens existing ones. Its antiseptic components keep the skin young and healthy and comparatively free from infections. 
Nourishing and repairing the skin with, is approached by use coconut oil each internally and externally.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Causes and Treatments of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Most women in some point have to contend with PCOS and weight gain problem .But for women with PCOS, losing weight can become a constant struggle.

PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age and can lead to issues with fertility. Women who have PCOS have higher levels of male hormones and are also less sensitive to insulin or are “insulin-resistant.” Many  are overweight or obese.  As a result, these women can be at a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and uterine cancer.