Wednesday 29 June 2016

Pelvic Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is procedure in which we look organs inside body. Pelvic laparoscopy comes under the category of Gynaecologic laparoscopy. Gynaecologic laparoscopy is used as an alternative for open surgery. It is used to look inside your lower part of tummy which includes womb, bowel, bladder, uterus etc. It is also a form of treatment. In which doctor uses miniaturized instruments to perform various surgeries such as-
•             Ovarian cyst removal
•             Tubal ligation, which is surgical contraception
•             Hysterectomy

Gynaecologic laparoscopy contains shorter time for healing as compared to open surgery. A gynaecologist performs this type of surgery. Pelvic laparoscopy leaves small scar marks.

Reasons for pelvic laparoscopy –
•             Unexplained pelvic pain
•             Unexplained infertility
•             A history of pelvic infection

Pelvic Laparoscopy treatment consists-
•             Investigation of infertility
•             Ovarian cyst
•             Hysterectomy        
•             Chronic Pelvic Pain
•             Ectopic pregnancy
•             Poly cystic ovary
•             Tubal ligation, sterilisation

Risk for any pelvic laparoscopy include-
•             Bleeding
•             Blood clots in the leg or pelvic veins, which could travel to the lungs and, rarely, be fatal
•             Breathing problems
•             Damage to nearby organs and tissues
•             Heart problems
•             Infection

Pelvic laparoscopy contains finding out reason responsible for infertility. If cyst occurs in pelvic part so it also becomes barrier for fertilization .DR. Neelima Mantri is here to always help you. Advice you best for pelvic laparoscopy. For more details-

Contact-+91 9819437957
Address-Bombay Hospital & Research Centre
203,Level 2,New Wing,12,New Marine Lines,Mumbai(400020)

Sunday 26 June 2016

Vitamin B12 Supplementation

Vitamin B12  is a water soluble vitamin, essential for proper red cell formation, neurological function and DNA synthesis. Its deficiency is very common affecting 1.5-15% of the general population, the cause being unknown. Its deficiency results in anaemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, weight loss, neurological problems like tingling and numbness in hands and feet, neuropathy, poor memory, confusion and sore mouth.

Maternal vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with the increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes  like low birth weight babies, premature delivery and neural tube defects i.e. defects affecting the brain and spinal cord of the fetus. During infancy it could result in lack of weight gain, delayed development of milestones, poor mentation and megaloblastic anemia.

The natural sources of vitamin B12 are fish, meat, poultry, eggs and milk products, fish and red meat being excellent sources. Vegetarian diet is a poor source of the vitamin.

Maternal vitamin B12 levels gradually decline throughout the normal pregnancy, thus requiring its supplementation during the pregnancy. Exclusively breastfed infants depend on maternal reserves for their nutritional needs. A women who is on a vegetarian diet is not able to meet the neonatal requirements of vitamin B 12. As a result the baby may suffer from significant neurological damage. Thus such babies often require supplementation to prevent the effects of its deficiency.
The recommended daily allowance of vitamin B 12 for healthy adult is 2.4 mcg whereas that during pregnancy and lactation is 2.6 – 2.8 mcg.

The neurological symptoms of vitamin B 12 deficiency can occur without anemia, as a result early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent irreversible damage. There are various formulations available for vitamin B 12 supplementation like oral , sublingual or injectable, depending upon the individual case requirement. Appropriate consultation with the physician is advised for management of the problem.

For more detail
 contact us- +91 981943795
   Address -Bombay hospital and research centre
                 203, Level 2, New Wing,12, New Marine Lines,Mumbai 400020.


Saturday 18 June 2016

Total hip replacement by best orthopedic doctor.

There are various parts and muscles of our body that is responsible for performing various general activities. These activities include-walking, sitting,  standing , bending, climbing stairs etc. If one of part got damage due to some injury or any accident, we feel difficulty to perform above mentioned activities. If any part of our body malfunction then either we go to doctor(a best orthopaedic doctor) or take medicine. But if we don’t feel relief after doing these practices then we have to go for replacement or transplant surgery. Hip is the lower part below our back. Hip help us   to sit, bend doing various activities like wearing socks etc.
·       Causes lead to pain in our hip –
1.   Osteoarthritis. This is an age-related “wear and tear” type of arthritis. It usually occurs in people 50 years of age and older and often in individuals with a family history of arthritis.
2.   Rheumatoid arthritis. This is an autoimmune disease in which the synovial membrane becomes inflamed and thickened.
3.   Post-traumatic arthritis. This can follow a serious hip injury or fracture.
4.   A vascular necrosis. An injury to the hip, such as a dislocation or fracture, may limit the blood supply to the femoral head.
5.   Childhood hip disease. Some infants and children have hip problems. Even though the problems are successfully treated during childhood, they may still cause arthritis later on in life.
 If any alternative method is not Longley useful then you         should consider for Total hip replacement by best   orthopaedic doctor. Total Hip replacement by best orthopaedic doctor is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. Total Hip replacement   by best orthopaedic doctor is surgery can be performed as a total replacement or a hemi (half). Total hip replacement by best orthopaedic doctor helps you to feel comfortable and doing some general activities easily. Once you consider total hip replacement by best orthopaedic doctor after that you never feel any problem in sitting, climbing stairs etc. Sometimes many old people think that they never stand, sit, bent, climbing stairs like before but this is wrong. You can again doing such activities by total hip replacement by best orthopaedic doctor. So never think that you need sport stick for walking or you feel pain and uncomfortable while sitting or bending. All these problem are eliminate by total hip replacement by best orthopaedic doctor.

          If you want that your hip problem eliminates then contact us now-(022) 28053021, (022) 28629805.For more information please visit website-

Friday 10 June 2016

Knee Replacement In Mumbai

Orthopaedics is the medical specialty that focuses on injuries and diseases of your body's musculoskeletal system. This complex system includes your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves and allows you to move, work, and be active. The structure of our body depends upon our bones and muscles. Bones play important role in our life, without bones it is impossible that we move with flexibility. As the age grow our bones become weak because the volume of calcium decreases which leads to difficulty in various activities like walking, running, standing and sitting. Some people ignore this, and continue with this problem. Many people suffer from Knee pain. Causes of knee pain occur in our daily life.

Knee pain occurs due to-
·      Osteoarthritis.
·      Rheumatoid arthritis.
·      Post-traumatic arthritis.
If your knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, it may be hard for you to perform simple activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. You may even begin to feel pain while you are sitting or lying down. If nonsurgical treatments like medications and using walking supports are no longer helpful, you may want to consider total knee replacement surgery. Joint replacement surgury is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain, correct leg deformity, and help you resume normal activities.

Guidelines for Knee Replacement Success: Dos and Don’ts
·       Wear compression Stockings.
·       Watch your weight.
·       Go for walk and exercise sensibly

·       Minimize or avoid alcohol and smoking
For more information please visit on website...