Friday 29 July 2016

What is recovery time for shoulder arthroscopic surgery?

Recovery time for shoulder arthroscopic surgery varies from individual to individual. Shoulder Arthroscopic surgery is more beneficial then open shoulder surgery. It is a kind of surgery in which doctor puts camera inside your shoulder and examine faults or damages . Arthroscopic surgery is now available in all hospitals.
Benefits of Shoulder arthroscopic surgery:
             Less pain
             Less wastage of blood
             Faster healing
             Less scaring marks on skin
             Ability to regain more use
It’s true that Arthroscopy surgery has benefits. But it has also some risks such as:
             Nerve damage
Many patient want to know that what is recovery time for shoulder arthroscopic surgery?Answer of this question is given by Dr.Kunal Patel. Arthroscopic Shoulder repair can reduce pain and speed recovery. Immediately after arthroscopic surgery, you will be encourage to keep shoulder as still as possible. Pain can be vary from person to person and also depends upon type of repair. You can use cold packs to reduce swelling and pain. You have to keep your arm in a sling. The use of the sling keeps the weight of your arm off of the tendon which assists in the healing process. Physical therapy session is also useful for fast healing. Be aware that contraction of muscles does not take place. During period of 6 to 12 weeks you will be allowed to perform limited range of arm movements. Avoid supporting your body with affected arm. 3 to 6 months is a period in which you will began to strengthen the muscles in arm after long period of inactivity. Do light but effective exercise that gives strength to your weekend muscles.
Duration of post-operative recovery is differing from person to person. In all cases instruction given to you by orthopaedic doctor have to follow strictly to minimize the risk of complications. For more information about shoulder arthroscopy
click here.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Best Orthopedic Surgeon Mumbai

There are many orthopedic surgeons in Mumbai. Each surgeon has its own specialty. But it is hard task to choose best Orthopedic surgeon Mumbai. Solution of this major problem is –DR. Kunal Patel. As he is expert in orthopedics and Arthroscopy. He is specialist of knee and hip surgery. He also performs Shoulder and knee arthroscopy. Dr. Patel has rich experience in his medical field. He is best orthopaedic counsellor and doctor in Mumbai.
According to Dr. Patel tips for healthy orthopaedic life are-
•             Stay active- Do regular exercise.
•             Eat right-Vitamin D, Calcium, supplements are good for bones.
•             Gear up-For females instead of wearing high heels which disturb actual position of your body always make use of shoes that provide comfort and support.
•             Healthy Habits-Practice good posture by always keeping both feet on ground to distribute weight evenly as well as pulling your shoulders back to straighten out your spine.
•             Practice Precautions- Ice the area to reduce swelling or elevate the area to encourage blood flow.

Dr. Patel passed his medical education from  prestigious Topiwala National Medical College (TNMC) and B.Y.L Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai. He was further trained highly exhaustive year long fellowship program in Max Super-Speciality Hospital, Mohali. He is honary visiting consultant at Surana Hospital , Belle Veu  hospital and Sun Ridges Hospital In Mumbai. Services provided by Dr. Patel are- total hip replacement, total knee replacement, shoulder arthroscopy ,knee arthroscopy, hip surgery, knee surgery and injuries caused during sports. Dr. Kunal and his all staff works hard to eliminates your bone or muscle problem. You can also take appointment from Dr. Patel on simple phone call. He takes time to diagnose your problem , answer your questions and treat you best. So consult atlaest once with Dr. Patel regarding your orthopaedic treatment. For  appointment and other query-

Contact- +91-22-2805 302

Address- Plot No 3, S V Road, Punit Nagar,, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Click on following blogs to get information about more services provided by Dr. Kunal Patel-

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgeon Mumbai

Shoulder Arthroscopy is a surgery in which doctor puts camera inside your shoulder and examine damaged tissues. Dr. Kunal Patel is best Shoulder arthroscopic surgeon Mumbai. He had rich experience in his medical field. If you have injury to your shoulder that came from damage or from inflammation then you have to go for shoulder arthroscopy. According to him shoulder arthroscopy is performed due to-
•             Damaged cartilage ring
•             Shoulder instability
•             Damaged biceps tendon
•             A torn rotator cuff
•             Inflammation around rotator cuff
•             Damaged lining of joint
•             Arthritis of the end of the clavicle
•             Loose tissue that needs to be removed
Dr. Kunal Patel is best orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai specialising in an arthroscopic surgery and treatment of treatment of sport related surgeries. He completes his medical education from prestigious Topiwala National Medical College (TNMC) and B.Y.L Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai. He has undergone training Paediatric Orthopaedics under Dr Alaric Aroojis at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital. He  is best orthopaedic doctor and consultant. He takes time for you, answers your question and treat you best. Many people think that their shoulder problem will never eliminate and they have to Longley suffer with this problem, but they think wrong. Dr. kunal Patel is here to help you and eliminates your problem with his best treatment of Shoulder arthroscopy. He treats various patients suffering from shoulder problems. According to his experience of shoulder arthroscopy, benefits of this treatment is-
             Small incisions
             Faster healing
             Less scaring
             Minimal blood loss
               Risk of Shoulder Arthroscopy are-
             Stiffness
             Weakness
             Nerve damage
             Infection
The earlier you get advice from Dr. Kunal Patel (best Shoulder  Arthroscopic Surgeon Mumbai Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgeon Mumbai) about shoulder problem earlier you get relief. For appointment and other query-

Contact-+91-22-2805 3021
For more information click here

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Endometriosis Specialist Mumbai


Endometriosis is diseases in which tissues that normally grow inside the uterus grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis is estimated to occur in roughly 6%-10% women. It is mostly occurs in age of thirties and forties. Depending upon the location of endometrial tissue it also affect the other organs such as ovaries, bladder etc. It also affects the women’s reproductive organs. The symptoms of endometriosis vary. Some women have mild symptoms and other can have moderate to serve symptoms. Pelvic pain is most common symptom of endometriosis. Dr. Neelima Mantri (Endometriosis specialist Mumbai) describe that there are four stages of endometriosis and these stages are-
§  Minimal
§  Mild
§  Moderate
§  Severe
Treatments for endometriosis pain fall into three general categories:
§  Pain Meditation-
§  Hormone therapy
§  Surgical treatments
Dr. Neelima discuss various reasons of endometriosis-
§  Delay in child birth
§  Heaving bleeding during periods
§  First period before the age of 11
§  Changes in immune cells
§  Early pregnancy
§  Low body weight
§  Alcohol use
Endometriosis can eliminate by various methods such as-birth control pills, GnRH agonists, danazol, laparoscopy, laparotomy, surgery to sever pelvic nerves etc. Endometriosis can cure early if proper treatment is performed. DR.Neelima is Endometriosis specialist Mumbai advice , treat you best.She hs experience of 10 years in her work. For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr.Neelima click on following blogs-
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Minimal Invasive Surgery Mumbai

In today’s world minimal invasive surgery is available in all hospitals because it has more advantages then open surgery. These procedures are performed with tiny incisions instead of one large opening as incisions are small, patient tend to have quicker recovery time and also less discomfort as compared to conventional surgery. During this surgery doctors make several small incisions in the skin as well as long thin tube with camera attached at the end is passed through one of the incision. Images from endoscope are projected to the monitor which helps surgeons to see proper surgical area to perform surgery easily. It is procedure which include art of reducing damage of  human tissue during operation. There are some advanced minimally invasive surgical procedures that can be performed almost exclusively through a single point of entry – meaning only one small incision. This is called Single Site Laparoscopy, and is another approach to performing traditional laparoscopic surgery using the same tools.
These kinds of procedures are not for everyone and only  doctor can determine if a minimally invasive surgery is right for you. Dr. Neelima Mantri is an expert of minimal invasive surgery mumbai. Benefits of minimal invasive surgery are-
·         Less bleeding
·         Quicker return to normal activities
·         Quicker return to work
·         Less scaring
·         Lower cost procedure
·         Less complications
·         Less infections

In general, it is safer than open surgery and allows you to recover faster and heal with less pain and scarring. Minimally invasive surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis or requires only a short hospital stay.Dr. Neelima take the time to listen , to find the answers and to provide you best care.For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr.Neelima click on following blogs-

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Menorrhagia Treatment Mumbai

Menorrhagia is a disease take place in females. It is a  heavy overflow of blood during menstrual period. There are many reasons for heavy bleeding during menstrual period such as structural abnormalities in reproductive tract, anovulation, bleeding disorders, cancer of reproductive tract etc. This problem is eliminates by proper treatment. DR. Neelima Mantri provide best menorrhagia treatment Mumbai. According to her causes of menorrhagia are-
Hormone disturbances
Ovarian dysfunction
Uterine fibroids
Ovarian cancer
PID (Pelvic inflammatory diseases)
But you can prevent this problem if you notice following signs and symptoms of menorrhagia in yourself-
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding requiring the use of double sanitary pads
  • Having to change pads in the mid of night
  • Menstrual flow more than 1 week
  • Passage of blood clots which are the size of a quarter or larger
  • Inability to perform regular daily activities because of the bleeding and pain
  • Signs of anaemia which include tiredness, fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Constant lower abdominal and pelvic pain.

According to Dr. Neelima tests and diagnosis of menorrhagia include-
  • Physical Exam
  • Bleeding Diary
  • Blood tests to evaluate for disorders
  • Pap smear to evaluate for cervical infection
  • Endometrial biopsy to test the lining of uterus
  • Ultrasounds
  • Sonohysterogram
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Dilation and curettage

If you have a concern that you may be suffering from menorrhagia , it is important to speak with health care provider for menorrhagia treatment. DR. Neelima is always ready to help, advice and give you menorrhagia  treatment Mumbai.
For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr.Neelima click on following blogs-

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Tuesday 5 July 2016

Best Laparoscopic Surgeon Mumbai

Laparoscopy is procedure in which we look organs inside body. Pelvic laparoscopy comes under the category of Gynecologic laparoscopy. Gynecologic laparoscopy is used as an alternative for open surgery.You should consider to best laparoscopic surgeon for successful laparoscopy. It is used to look inside your lower part of tummy which includes womb, bowel, bladder, uterus etc. It is also a form of treatment. In which doctor uses miniaturized instruments to perform various surgeries such as-
  • Ovarian cyst removal
  • Tubal ligation, which is surgical contraception
  • Hysterectomy
Gynecologic laparoscopy contains shorter time for healing as compared to open surgery. A gynecologist performs this type of surgery. DR.Neelima Mantri is best laparoscopic surgeon Mumbai.She has experience of 10 years in her work.
Reasons for  laparoscopy –
  • Unexplained pelvic pain
  • Unexplained infertility
  • A history of pelvic infection
Laparoscopy treatment consists-
  • Investigation of infertility
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Hysterectomy
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Poly cystic ovary
  • Tubal ligation, sterilisation
Risk for any laparoscopy include-
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots in the leg or pelvic veins, which could travel to the lungs and, rarely, be fatal
  • Breathing problems
  • Damage to nearby organs and tissues
  • Heart problems
  • Infection
This laparoscopy contains finding out reason responsible for infertility. If cyst occurs in pelvic part so it also becomes barrier for fertilization .DR. Neelima Mantri(Best Laparoscopic Surgeon Mumbai ) is here to always help you. Advice you best for  laparoscopy.
For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr.Neelima click on following blogs-
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Obstetrician Infertility Specialist Mumbai

Infertility is a situation in which a female is unable to give a birth to young one. There are various reasons behind infertility such as-infrequent menstrual period, female age of 35 or older, a history of pelvic infections or sexually transmitted diseases, known fibroids or endometrial polyps, known male factor semen abnormalities etc. Infertility is the inability of the couple to conceive and have a baby despite trying. In one third of the cases are due to problems with the women, in a third of cases there occurs problems with the male partner, whereas the remaining cases are due to a combination of male and female factors. Infertility should be investigated early to avoid its irreversibility as ageing of the female partner drastically reduces the probabilities of pregnancy. Also certain conditions like tuberculosis or endometriosis keep on advancing if not treated early.

Many ladies suffering above mentioned problems think that they will never give birth to baby, but they think wrong. There are various medical treatments which give you chance to become a mother. Dr.Neelima Mantri is Obstetrician Infertility Specialist  Mumbai .She perform various medical treatment to eliminates the problem of infertility such as-

   Investigation of the causes in both partners.
   Laparoscopy to diagnose the causes in the female partner
   Treatment of infertility with medications
   Ovulation induction
   Intra Uterine Insemination
   Microsurgery of fallopian tubes when involved

If other methods like Medications to induce egg development and ovulation is not Longley useful then you have to consult a Obstetrician Infertility Specialist. Dr.Neelima Mantri(Obstetrician Infertility Specialist  Mumbai) is here to help you.For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr.Neelima click on following blogs-

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PCOS doctor Mumbai

PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome .It is a problem takes place in female in which her balance of hormones get disturbed. Hormones are secreted out of limit. It can cause difficulty with your periods and create problem in pregnancy.PCOS also cause changes in way you appear.If pcos is not treated at proper time then it leads to serious health problems like heart diseases and diabities.

Women  suffering from PCOS having cysts in her ovaries. That is why it is called “polycystic ovary syndrome”. These cysts does not harm your health but cause problem in hormone secretion.Early diagnostic and proper treatment help to control the symptom and prevent long term problems.PCOS can be passed either from mother’s side or father’s side. If you notice such changes in yourself then you see a doctor for proper PCOS treatment.DR.Neelima Mantri is best PCOS doctor in Mumbai.She advice that the problem of PCOS eliminates if early proper treatment is performed. Symptoms  of pcos tend to be mild at first. You may have only a few symptoms or a lot of them. The most common symptoms are:

Weight gain or trouble losing weight.
Extra hair on face or body.
Irregular periods.
Fertility problems.

Patients with PCOS who desire child bearing and do not conceive naturally may require ovulation drugs and assisted reproductive techniques to help them conceive.Above all patients with PCOS require a boost to their confidence as they may have serious emotional issues with their hair growth, acne and obesity.So prevent PCOS problem as a proper treatment from DR.Neelima Mnatri. She is best pcos, educated and experienced doctor in Mumbai.She provide good counselling and motivation beside medical approach to these patients to meet their goals.Click on following blogs for deatils about more gynaecological treatments-

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Best Gynaecologist Mumbai

As we all know that girls are more sensitive than boys. Behind this quote there are many physical factors which is responsible for the sensitivity of female. There is a stage in life of female due to which role of female is important and that role is pregnancy. Pregnancy is a situation in which a female get ready to give the birth to young one. This situation is more critical as compared to other cycles and stages which takes place in the life of female. At this stage good care is needed. But, beside of all this, a good advice is must.
In general we see that ladies do not take expert advice in stage of pregnancy which is the biggest mistake of ever. For this reason many problems in pregnancy stage happens like miscarriage of baby etc. So a good advisor is needed as a doctor.
 A doctor which is specialist for pregnant women or delivery is called Gynaecologist. DR. Neelima  Mantri is  best Gynaecologist in India who advice you in stage of pregnancy. She has the experience of 10 years in her work. In many cases some females get fail to give the birth to baby due to some inner problems this condition is called infertility. But DR. Neelima Mantri helps to overcome   your infertility problem. Dr.Neelima Mantri and her whole staff try their best to give you chance to become a mother. Dr. Neelima works on Obstetrics, General Gynaecology and laparoscopy. So don’t think that you never become mother because   .Dr.Neelima is here to help you. Click on following blogs for more details-