Thursday 30 September 2021

Lifestyle And Infertility Treatment Options For PCOS

 fertility treatment in Mumbai

Treatment options for PCOS

As told above, PCOS is a non-curable disease but can be managed to a certain extent. PCOS is also a severe disease but can be managed effectively by keeping control of the lifestyle and changing it completely.

Will You Need IVF Treatment?

 IVF treatment center in Mumbai

Signs and Symptoms of infertility

Fallopian tube damage or blockage

Any damage or blockage in the fallopian tube can result in infertility problems for women. This is mainly due to the difficulties caused for an egg in its fertilization or an embryo traveling through the uterus due to the fallopian tube issues. If this is the problem, you can, without any doubt, go for IVF treatment.

Know More about Miscarriages – Best Gynecologist in Mumbai

 best gynecologist in Mumbai

Symptoms of miscarriages

  • Vaginal spotting or bleeding lies in the common symptoms of miscarriage in women. So if a woman experiences even slight bleeding in her vagina, she should quickly visit a gynecologist doctor. 
  • In case of miscarriages, women are often seen experiencing pain in the abdomen or the body’s lower back. So if this is the case with you, you are advised to book your appointment with your doctor.
  • Fluid or tissue passing from the vagina is another sign or symptom of miscarriages during pregnancy.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

What Should Be Read During Pregnancy?

 Reading during the time period of pregnancy can be beneficial both for the mother and the growing child inside her. During pregnancy, the ever-increasing child develops many skills and stores the information that can help him in the future.

Tested Positive For Pregnancy? Here’s What To Do

 The good news for you is that there are experts available for these purposes known as gynaecologists. But while choosing a gynaecologist, you need to make sure that you go on with the best choice for a promising result. The best choice for suitable suggestions according to your condition is Punit Infertility Clinic, well-known for its expert gynaecologist in Mumbai.

Health Tips By Lady Gynaecologist In Mumbai For Pregnant Working Women

 Pregnancy is the most precious period of a woman’s life. News of a new member in the family calls for celebrations. But with the celebrations, it is crucial to take a lot of care for the health of the mother and the child.