Thursday 9 February 2023

How to Improve the Success Rate of IVF?

 Data are essential when a couple decides to undergo IVF because they frequently take into account the procedure's high success rate. This implies that they continually take the success rate the institution offers to the couples into account, regardless of the institution they choose.

The best way for couples to enjoy their child's giggle and grow their family is unquestionably through IVF. Consequently, this article will show you how to increase the likelihood that the Best IVF centre in Mumbai would do the IVF operation successfully.

1. If at all possible, keep your weight in check:-

According to the experts at Mumbai IVF clinics, the patient's ability to maintain a healthy weight is essential to the procedure's success. Being overweight makes it more difficult to check the ovaries, which increases the risk of other problems emerging.

2. Reduce your stress:-

 IVF treatment is surely stressful because you have to go through a number of procedures, such as scheduling, medication, and other unpleasant operations. Use stress management techniques if you want to be a lady and have a healthy pregnancy.

3. Invest in supplements:-

Supplements play a major role in the success of IVF treatment. Your doctor or DHEA can provide medical advice, and CoQ10 is the best nutritional supplement for guaranteeing the best possible egg quality and quantity.

4. Getting enough rest while having IVF:-

Women who get 7-8 hours of sleep per night had a higher success rate with IVF. The rationale behind this is that sleep is a form of therapy that supports healthy pregnancy while also repairing the entire body.

5. Avoid chemicals to ensure the success of IVF:- 

Numerous home items contain toxins that could be harmful to the mother's and the unborn child's health. As a result, take careful not to use items like nail polish or foods packaged with phenols and BPA that contain formaldehyde.

The conclusion

Therefore, if you plan to receive IVF treatment, you can speak with the Punit Fertility IVF centre in Mumbai . We have state-of-the-art medical technology and highly qualified medical staff who can assist you in enjoying the motherhood period.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Gynaecological Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

 Many people in our nation are unfamiliar with the term "gynaecological cancer." According to the best Gynaecologists in Mumbai, it is the word used to describe all cancers that might affect women's genitalia and reproductive organs. The vulva, cervix, fallopian tube, vagina, and ovaries are a few of these organs.

Gynecological cancers can be detected in women in a variety of methods, but every woman has to be aware of all the warning signs and symptoms of cancer. Let's now talk about the signs and symptoms of gynaecological cancer while keeping this in mind.


Pain while doing sex
Abnormal lumps or bumps around the vulva
Back pain
Pelvic pain or pressure
Bloating around the lower abdomen
Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
Extreme pain or cramping in the lower abdomen
Burning, skin colour changes or itching in the vulva
Frequent or urgent urination or constipation in very common in ovarian and vaginal cancer
Feels like you are full quickly or face difficulty in eating
Longer or significantly heavier periods than usual
Excessive tiredness

Gynaecological cancers' causes

Gynecological cancer is a condition that affects women's bodies for a variety of reasons. They include:- 

Due to diabetes
HIV infection or a weak immune system in the women
HPV is Human Papillomavirus infection
Age factor
Family history
High-fat diet
Use of oral birth control pills
Any previous history of gynecologic cancer or breast cancer
Estrogen therapy

How are gynaecological cancers in women's bodies managed by specialists?

The depth of the sickness and the women's general health are the two most important factors in determining how well they will respond to various therapies.

Gynecological cancer can be treated by: -

Surgery:- Gynecological cancer is primarily treated through surgery, which involves the removal of the tumour by specialists. Experts with some prior knowledge in the field frequently do the operation on the tumour.

Radiation treatment:- Doctors will use radiation therapy if a lady has cancer that is still in its early stages. The radiation will destroy the cancer cells and reduce tumour size.

Chemotherapy:- Chemotherapy is the whole drug regimen administered to female patients in order to eradicate cancer cells.

Hormone treatment:- Women who have cancer may receive hormone therapy to treat it or inhibit its spread.

Chemotherapy given intraperitoneally:- Patients who have fallopian tube cancer, primary peritoneal cancer, or ovarian cancer are candidates for this treatment. This method of treating cancer has had fruitful outcomes.

The conclusion

You may have a better understanding of gynaecological cancer and its forms after reading the information provided above about it. So, as a woman, make sure to get treatment from the top gynaecologist in Kandivali if you have any of the aforementioned symptoms in your body.

Thursday 2 February 2023

Endometriosis: Understanding the Condition and its Management

 Women frequently experience endometriosis, a disorder that has an impact on daily living. In other words, it is a serious illness affecting women in which tissue that resembles the uterine lining grows outside the uterus.

This indicates that some endometrial tissues, also known as the endometrium, border the uterus of the lady. Every menstrual cycle, a woman's body produces an additional endometrial tissue that helps the fertilised egg to develop.

Around 10% of women between the ages of 15 and 44 are said to be affected by this issue, according to the survey. This condition affects reproductive organs such the lining of the pelvic cavity, the ligaments around the uterus, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and the region between the uterus and the rectum.


Endometriosis is associated with a number of symptoms. They include:-

Sexual discomfort
bowel movements that hurt
heavy menstrual bleeding
Having back discomfort during menstruating
painful menstrual cramps

Treating endometriosis

Any woman who exhibits any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms is likely dealing with endometriosis. The best gynecologists in Kandivali  say it can be difficult to treat this disease.

Physical examinations and past medical history are some of the methods used to diagnose this issue, and the experts will likely suspect this issue as well.


It involves a small cut being made in the woman's abdomen so that a doctor can introduce a thin tube containing a light and a camera. The doctor can now view the tissue inside and around the uterus and can determine the rate of tissue growth thanks to this stage.


With the aid of a little tool, if they locate some tissue, they scrape off a few cells and send them to the lab to verify the problem.

Additionally, the top gynaecologists in Kandivali can handle this issue in a number of methods.