Wednesday 19 July 2023

Promoting Breast Health Awareness

 The general well-being of women depends on breast health. Women get empowered to take control of their bodies when breast health awareness is actively promoted. Awareness of breast health facilitates early identification of possible problems and prompt treatment.

Breast health awareness is a by-product of Punit Hospital's objective to be the top healthcare provider for women. In this post, we present some useful recommendations from Punit Hospital for maintaining breast health. So, let's look at what follows:

1.Regular Self-Examinations:- Regular self-examinations are the best approach to keep track of your breast health. To become comfortable with the appearance and feel of your breasts, perform routine breast self-examinations. It will help you recognise your typical breast health and aid in identifying any potential changes. Starting these precautions in your early 20s is advised since it enables the early discovery of anomalies including tumours, swelling, or textural changes.

2.Breast Examinations in Clinic:- Another method is for healthcare practitioners to do routine clinical breast exams. The goal will be served by routine or yearly checks during gynaecological appointments.

3.Mammograms and Screening:- Mammograms are a great way to find breast cancer early. Women above the age of 40 are advised to have frequent mammograms. The tiniest changes in breast tissue that might be tumours can be found with these imaging techniques. Successful therapies and higher survival rates are facilitated by early identification.

4.Breast Health Education:- Increasing awareness of breast health requires education. Giving women accurate information and dispelling misconceptions about breast health will enable them to make wise decisions. Promoting the value of routine screenings and self-examinations for the early diagnosis of breast cancer through educational campaigns, seminars, and community activities can assist.

5.Lifestyle Factors:- The health of your breasts is influenced by your lifestyle. Regular physical exercise, a balanced diet, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoking all lower the chance of breast cancer development. Due to the connection between obesity and breast cancer, maintaining a healthy weight is especially essential.

6.Support Networks:- Women who are dealing with breast-related issues gain strength from support networks. Support groups, internet networks, and counselling services give invaluable knowledge on the various coping mechanisms, treatment alternatives, and survivability while also providing emotional support.

We may sum up by noting that maintaining good breast health is essential for the welfare of women. Being aware can aid in the early identification of possible problems and the pursuit of appropriate medical care. Recall that early detection can result in lifesaving. Take these proactive actions now to improve your journey towards breast health and inspire others to follow your example.

Punit Hospital is the leading healthcare center with best Gynecologists in Kandivali. Make sure to book your consultation today.

Tuesday 11 July 2023

Menopause- The complete guide

 An important turning point in a woman's reproductive life is menopause. It represents the end of her fertile years. This normal biological process is experienced by every woman in her late 40s or early 50s. It comes with both emotional and physical changes. This essay examines the transition process and offers tips on how to do it confidently and with expertise.

What is Menopause:

According to Punit Hospital's skilled Gynecologists in kandivali/Mumbai, menopause is the end of menstruation permanently. It happens when a woman's ovaries cease producing eggs and her body produces less oestrogen and progesterone than usual. When a woman goes 12 months without having a period, she has entered the menopause. Although the perimenopause transitional period, which can last for years before reaching menopause, precedes the real menopause process.


Women experience symptoms because of hormonal fluctuations which are listed below:

Hot flashes
Night sweats
Irregular periods
Vaginal dryness
Sleep disturbances
Mood swings
Weight gain
Decreased libido. These symptoms are primarily attributed to hormonal fluctuations and can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life.

Health Complications:

Menopause is associated with certain health complications which are listed below:

Cardiovascular disease
Urinary incontinence

It is vital that women maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and preventative medical exams like bone density tests and cardiovascular examinations. These issues may be brought on by a drop in a hormone called oestrogen.

Emotional Well-being:- The effects of menopause on a woman's emotional and mental health can be profound. It is a voyage through emotions. Women go through menopause with emotional symptoms like mood swings, anger, anxiety, and melancholy. It is crucial to take care of the psychological effects of this change by speaking with family and friends, consulting medical professionals, engaging in self-care practises, and seeking counselling services.

Management and Treatment:- Although menopause is a natural, unavoidable biological process, there are ways to manage its symptoms and preserve general health.

Lifestyle modifications can be done to manage menopause, such as:

Adopting a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
Practicing stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation
Staying active
Adequate sleep

Women have the option of using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat symptoms and avoid health issues. But because HRT has both dangers and advantages, it's crucial to speak with a doctor before starting.


Fertility ends during menopause, which ushers in a new phase of introspection, development, and self-nurturing. It is a period of time that offers lots of opportunities to concentrate on oneself, discover new interests, and set new objectives.

It is a normal stage in a woman's life that is marked by a number of emotional and physical changes. A woman may transition to menopause with confidence, patience, and grace if she has a better understanding of it and receives the appropriate support and care. She is then prepared to accept the following significant chapter of her life with confidence.

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Role of fertility medications in IVF treatment

 In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments often include the use of fertility drugs. They aid in encouraging the ovaries to release more eggs, increasing the likelihood of fertilization and implantation in the uterus. These drugs are a crucial component of the IVF procedure and are created to meet each patient's unique needs in order to increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.

Experts in Punit Hospital, IVF treatment center in Mumbai, shed light on the role of fertility medicines in IVF treatment which is discussed below:-

1. Ovarian Stimulation:- The primary goal of fertility drugs used in IVF is to stimulate the ovaries to produce a large number of mature eggs. Women typically only generate one egg every menstrual cycle. Gonadotropins (such as follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH) are given as fertility drugs to boost the production of eggs that will be accessible for extraction during invasive IVF procedures. These drugs aid in the growth of many follicles, each containing an egg.

2. Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH):- The development and maturation of the follicles are better controlled by fertility medications. To deliver the proper amount and modify the medication regimen as necessary, regular monitoring, including ultrasounds and blood hormone testing, is performed. The goal is to maximize the number of mature eggs produced while minimizing side effects including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

3. Timing of Egg Retrieval:- In order for the eggs to be ready for extraction at maturity, many follicles must grow simultaneously thanks to fertility medications. In order to guarantee effective fertilization of the eggs throughout the subsequent stages of the IVF treatment.

4.Preventing Premature Ovulation:- Premature ovulation is prevented by fertility medications. Agonists of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are utilized as the last maturation trigger and to release the eggs at the ideal moment for retrieval.

5.Other Supportive Medicines:- Progesterone supplements are among the additional medications used to maintain the uterine lining and prepare it for embryo implantation. In order to successfully implant the embryo and become pregnant, these medications are crucial.

6.Individualistic Treatment:- The type and dosage of fertility drugs are based on the woman's specific needs, including her age, ovarian reserve, and previous responses to fertility drugs. The patient's response to the medications is continuously monitored by the IVF specialists, who then modify the treatment plan as necessary.

It has been established that fertility drugs are essential to IVF therapy as a result. These medications considerably raise the success rate of IVF and boost the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy by maximizing the number of mature eggs.