Monday 14 March 2016


Testosterone, the steroid hormone from the androgen group, is often referred to as the MALE HORMONE.  It plays an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testis and prostrate and is also responsible for the development of the male sex characteristics such as deep voice, growth of body hair, increased muscle and bone mass.  Decrease in the testosterone levels can lead to a medical condition known as HYPOGONADISM. (CAUSES OF LOW TESTOSTERONE)
 Following are the natural ways to boost Testosterone:
1.REGULAR EXERCISE AND WORKOUT: Exercising can help mange various health ailments. Strength training is highly recommended to maintain testosterone levels. Muscle building with intense exercise can simultaneously increase the testosterone levels. Exercise also helps in reducing stress, hence increasing the production of testosterone. Biking, stair climbing, swimming and jogging are good cardiovascular exercises, which should be included in the plan.
2.KEEP A CHECK ON WEIGHT: Excessive body weight can lead to various health ailments like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and increase in cholesterol levels which can result in lowering the testosterone levels. Research says that a man loses 7% of his testosterone production with an increase of about 10 pounds body weight. With an abnormal 4 point increase in the body mass index of a person, he loses about 10 years of testosterone in his body. It has been proved that keeping a check on obesity/weight gain and reducing excess weight can help increase the testosterone levels.

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