Thursday 1 April 2021

Pilates & Our Children – Fitness for the Future

The health of today’s children is compromised by a culture of convenience and increasingly sedentary activity. Eating fast food, watching TV and playing video games has become habitual while a nutritious diet and physical activity is on the downslide.

A recent report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that approximately 30.3% of children between the ages of 6 to 11 are overweight and that 15.3% are obese. For adolescents between the ages of 12 to 19, 30.4% are overweight and 15.5% are obese. These are startling numbers and much higher than for previous years.

While the popularity of Pilates among adults is well chronicled, the exercise program also offers a large range of benefits to children. Improved posture and spinal alignment are realized as exercises increase the strength and flexibility of the abdominal and inner muscles of the body. It promotes toned, sleek bodies and improves athletic performance.

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