Monday 23 January 2023

What are the risks of IVF And Multiple Births?

 IVF is a technique and technology-based approach for fertilising a female egg. Usually, a woman becomes pregnant when the egg is still inside her body or womb. A woman is believed to be pregnant if the fertilised egg adheres to the womb lining and develops inside; the baby is expected to arrive nine months later.

However, if a couple is having trouble managing a typical pregnancy and is experiencing major setbacks, they turn to a variety of artificial, low-cost treatments. But even if some of these tactics are unsuccessful, most women try IVF.

The danger of IVF differs from person to person. It might be minor, serious, or even dangerous to the unborn child. After flinching IVF treatment, some moderate side effects that women may suffer include cramps, head heaviness, bloating, constipation, breast warmth, nausea, etc. The aforementioned consequences are also visible in a typical pregnancy.

Premature labour, blood clots, kidney failure, shortness of breath or dizziness, unexpected weight gain, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or birth, and most significantly multiple pregnancies, are serious adverse effects that may happen after therapy.

The prevalence of multiple births increases when a woman receives IVF treatment. Multiple researchers claim that having multiple children through IVF treatment is expected. Due to the fact that many embryos are implanted in the uterus to improve the likelihood of conception, experts are unsure about this. The decision to keep the frozen embryo or to keep it for future years of therapy is typically made by the doctor. The patient's age at the time of therapy will determine this.

Higher dangers and more attention are involved with multiple pregnancies. In some circumstances, doctors also attempt to use foetal reduction treatments that will aid the mother in having a healthy baby. Medical professionals are still unsure of this. IVF is a procedure that has many hazards. Furthermore, the foetal reduction technique is not carried out without consideration for the patient due to the complex emotions involved.

Premature birth is a risk that comes with having many children; babies who are born before the term of nine months are referred to as preterm. Such youngsters have long-standing health issues. The brain might not be as developed, and the lungs might not be as powerful. Additionally, it is claimed that many births can result in other flaws that won't become apparent until the child is older and has matured.

Contact Punit Fertility for additional information if you're searching for an IVF treatment center in Mumbai.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

PCOD Diet Guidance for Weight Loss

 PCOD is a major health condition that is currently quite prevalent among women. Acne on the body and face, hormonal imbalance, and irregular menstrual periods are all signs of this. A growth in the ovarian cyst might also be a very significant symptom. This issue typically affects women's bodies, which can lead to an unnaturally high weight gain and overall body heaviness.

Dietary changes are crucial for weight loss. For those who suffer from severe acne, losing merely 2% of their body weight can restore hormonal imbalances, regulate menstrual cycles, and enhance their quality of life. The nutrition advice provided below can assist PCOD-afflicted ladies in losing weight.

Reduce your daily intake of starches.

Eating starchy meals is advised to be avoided or consumed in moderation. Sweet potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, and many others are a few examples. This is due to the fact that such meal is high in carbohydrates, which raises blood sugar levels and produces hormonal imbalance.

Use something other than vegetable oil.

Because of its high fatty acid content, vegetable oil is extremely dangerous for PCOD-afflicted women. These oils are also not better because they contribute to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Therefore, it is recommended to use a substitute such olive oil, grape seed oil, etc.

Do not eat fried foods

Samosas, noodles, and rolls are examples of fried, high-fat foods that boost oestrogen levels, which is bad for those with PCOD.

Avoid combining alcohol and caffeine.

PCOD women should avoid the two things stated above at all costs. The consumption of alcohol harms liver function, and consuming coffee can make you jittery and anxious, which raises stress levels and affects insulin levels.

Steer clear of foods high in sugar and juices from preserved fruits.

Reduce your intake of foods like Gulab jamun, cakes, etc. that are high in sugar. Preserved fruit juices also contain a lot of sugar. Such foods ought to be eliminated from your diet.

Dr. Miral Patel is the best gynecologist in Mumbai to think about if you want to visit a gynaecologist to keep an eye on your food.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

What to Eat During Your First Pregnancy

 Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, "eating for two" will be difficult due to sickness, food aversions, and fatigue.

Many pregnant moms find that they don't have the same appetite for some of the healthful foods they used to love, such lean meats or fresh vegetables, during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Concentrate on eating a balanced diet during the first trimester to make sure you obtain enough nutrients.


Like you, your baby has relatively low energy requirements during the first trimester. It would be beneficial if you attempted to consume roughly 2,000 calories per day throughout the first trimester, however your doctor could advise ingesting more depending on your level of activity.

Eat three meals and one to two snacks each day. If you have trouble controlling your portions, focus on consistency and make sure the food you do manage to consume is both healthful and filling.


Over the next nine months, make sure to eat lots of the critical nutrients for pregnancy. It's important to focus extra emphasis on folic acid, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin C, potassium, and DHA throughout the first trimester.

Foods like lean meat, yoghurt, broccoli, bananas, beans, lentils, and ginger tea are recommended by nutritionists.


Keep yourself hydrated:- As soon as you can, begin. Before going to bed, put a glass of water on your nightstand. When you first wake up, sip it before beginning your day.

Eat healthy foods:- Early on in pregnancy, it's common to experience surprising hunger followed by nausea and even fullness. To keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day, eat healthy snacks.

Ingesting prenatal vitamins:- Prenatal vitamins are essential because not everyone always consumes the healthiest foods.

Speak to your OB/GYN if you require more information regarding your diet. If you're looking for the Best gynaecologist in Mumbai, get in touch with Punit Fertility. During the first trimester, the medical professionals there will urge you to fully refrain from certain foods and beverages, including alcohol, unpasteurized dairy products, and raw meats.