Tuesday 9 May 2023

Gynae Laparoscopic Surgery for Fibroids: Alternatives and Advantages

 The best course of therapy for symptomatic fibroids is myomectomy; however, a hysterectomy is neither practical nor desired. A myomectomy can be carried out either laparoscopy or open abdominal surgery, much like any other gynaecological operation.

What is Laparoscopic Myomectomy?

Women who have less subserosal fibroids can be qualified for laparoscopic surgery. In a laparoscopic myomectomy, small scopes with instruments for surgery and viewing are used. On the lower abdomen, there are four incisions: one below the belly button, one below the bikini line, and one around each hip. The abdominal cavity is subsequently given a gaseous carbon dioxide infusion.

The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are examined with a laparoscope, a tiny, lit telescope, which is inserted by the top gynecologic laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai through an incision. Long devices are needed to remove the fibroids because of the previous incisions. The uterine muscle must be repaired by sewing. The skin wounds are then stitched back together after the discharge of a gas. 

What tests are necessary before having a myomectomy?

A thorough physical exam and a comprehensive medical history should be obtained prior to any operation. Blood tests, chest X-rays, ECGs, and ultrasounds are usually sufficient, however in a small number of situations, MRI scans may be necessary if the fibroid's location and kind are unknown.

How many incisions are made during laparoscopic surgery?
The quantity, size, and location of fibroids influence how many minute incisions are required on your belly. Other tiny tools are entered through 5mm incisions, while the laparoscope is put through a 10mm incision.

Recovery promptly
Reduction in hospital stay
A reduction in blood loss
The improved cosmetic appearance of scars
A lower rate of infection
A similar rate of pregnancy

Other options available


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), can be used to treat pain.
IUDs that release progesterone as well as other hormonal birth control options help lessen severe bleeding.
Anti-hormonal drugs such as progestin and danazol are used to treat fibroids.
By preventing the release of oestrogen and progesterone, hormone-releasing hormone agonists (Lupron, Synarel) temporarily decrease fibroids. These may be recommended by your doctor to help decrease fibroids prior to surgery.
Tranexamic acid (Lysteda), which lessens severe menstrual bleeding, also aids in weight loss.

Final words

There are several advantages as well as additional treatments for fibroids. Use laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai to help you get rid of these major problems.


Monday 8 May 2023

Gynecologists vs. Fertility Specialists: Who Should You See for Infertility

 A Gynaecologist may also be referred to as an OB/GYN. An obstetrician, a doctor who specializes in women's health during pregnancy, is referred to as an OB. Gynaecologists typically act as basic female healthcare providers. Most obstetricians and gynaecologists are trained in both disciplines. A medically educated obstetrician or gynaecologist who specializes in treating women who are having trouble getting pregnant is known as a fertility specialist.  

Gynaecologists' responsibilities vs fertility specialists'

A doctor who has had medical training and has decided to focus in some way on women's health is referred to as a "gynaecologist." Using the most recent technologies and tests, these professionals examine women for medical problems. A doctor who specialises in the health and wellbeing of expectant mothers and new moms is known as an obstetrician or gynaecologist. The fertility specialist is a medical professional who diagnoses and addresses problems with male and female infertility.

Gynaecologist:- A gynaecologist is responsible for caring for women from the time of conception until the day of death. Gynaecologists provide gynaecological care and counselling for female reproductive systems. In addition, they are qualified to recognise and handle certain female-related problems including breast and cervical cancer, hormone imbalances, and menopausal symptoms.

The following obligations are under the purview of a gynaecologist:-

  • providing women with appropriate medical treatment to advance their health
  • examinations of their patients' bodies
  • evaluating the patient's bodily symptoms in order to make a diagnosis

Specialist in Fertility 

Fertility experts are frequently referred to as reproductive endocrinologists (RE). Given that many doctors only spend a few weeks studying the issue, couples who are having problems conceiving are frequently advised to see a fertility expert or RE. Specialists in infertility assist teams in comprehending the intricacy of genetics and the root reasons of infertility. These professionals are capable of diagnosing and treating both men and women.

The following is what fertility doctors are accountable for:-

  • Patient education of potentials
  • examining and deciphering MRIs, ultrasounds, etc.

Final words

The health conditions that caused infertility and other disorders with the reproductive organs will determine which doctor is the best choice out of the two. But let's say you're looking for the  best gynaecologist in Mumbai for infertility to treat your infertility. In such situation, get in touch with Dr. Punit to arrange for the appropriate professional to treat you.


Thursday 4 May 2023

Do’s and Don’ts of IVF: The finest manual for a flawless way of Life

 One of the greatest life changes that requires extra care from the mother to guarantee the child's health is becoming a parent, which is a blessing. The mother must be cautious at every turn when doing IVF. IVF mothers must be aware of a number of dos and don'ts if they hope to have children after receiving successful IVF treatment in Kandivali.

Only when the mother is healthy during pregnancy and after delivery will the baby be healthy as well. 

Dos and Don'ts for IVF

1. Exercise:- Exercise is a vital topic while talking about pregnancy. The mother can engage in basic exercises like yoga, walking, and elliptical training to maintain her body and mind healthy and active. She is not allowed to overdo it though because IVF is a difficult process and if the mother does, she will get weary and stressed. However, in this situation, there is a chance of experiencing pain, nausea, and vomiting.

2. Stay away from booze:- According to a study, drinking alcohol has a negative impact on pregnancy. Up to 50% more men and women will experience infertility if they regularly use alcohol. As a result, do not drink alcohol while you are pregnant. Choose some healthy juices as an alternative.

3. Sleep well:- After eating well and exercising, you have reduced your stress. Next, have a decent night's sleep that will last at least 7 hours. You get weary and more stressed when you don't get enough sleep, which is bad for the mother and the unborn kid.

4. Self-care routine:- Pregnancy is a time when self-care is crucial since it reduces stress and enhances both your internal and external wellbeing. Therefore, it is recommended to go to a spa, a salon, or any other place offering recreational opportunities. But keep in mind that you should avoid deep tissue and scalp massages due to enlargement of the ovaries.

5. Household products:- In order to fulfil domestic duties, several chemicals are needed in houses. Among them are agents that disrupt the endocrine system and are bad for hormones and reproductive health. These consist of items like nail polish, soaps, and fragrances. 

The conclusion

If you prepare your body and mind before starting IVF therapy, it will lessen challenges and miscarriage. To guarantee a secure pregnancy, abide by the above-mentioned IVF dos and don'ts. For further details and advice, speak with your doctor at the IVF clinic in Mumbai. 
