Wednesday 14 June 2023


 Every couple hopes for the blessing of having a child, but for some, that goal is out of reach. Numerous medical variables that are beyond of our control pose obstacles. But millions of infertile couples have now succeeded in having children, all owing to advances in medical technology.

There are several cutting-edge assisted reproductive techniques accessible, but in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most effective one. It is a novel way to cure infertility and aid in childbirth for millions of individuals. 
The leading IVF treatment center in Mumbai, Punit Hospital, provided the advice on which this essay is based. The purpose is to provide light on the process.


Leading IVF specialist at Punit Hospital says IVF is a cutting-edge medical process that aids in child conception. In a lab environment, mature eggs and sperms are combined to achieve this. It results in the development of a fertilised embryo. In order to be implanted, this embryo is put inside the uterus.

The IVF process is intrusive, costly, and time-consuming. One IVF cycle might take up to three weeks to complete.

The following negative outcomes of the procedure:

Mood changes
Bleeding Infection
Breast sensitivity
allergic response to medication

IVF PROCEDURE COST:- One IVF cycle might cost anywhere between Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 3,50,000 in India. The process, medications, ultrasounds, blood tests, and embryo storage are all included.

IVF PROCESS:- The following phases are part of the Punit Hospital's excellent IVF procedure, which takes place at their Mumbai location:-

1. OVARIAN STIMULATION:- The first stage is giving hormones to the ovaries to encourage numerous eggs to be generated each month as opposed to just one egg. It takes a week or two. Having more eggs increases your chances of getting a fertilized egg.  

The following is a list of drugs that a doctor has recommended:-

Medicine for Ovarian stimulation:- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)-containing pharmaceutical injections are recommended to promote the creation of many eggs.

Medicine for Oocyte maturation:- Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is given to aid in egg maturation, and mature eggs can be recovered after 8 to 14 days.

Medicine to prevent Premature ovulation:- Prescription drugs are given out to stop developing eggs from being released too soon.

Medicine to prepare lining of uterus for Implantation:- Supplemental progesterone is administered to increase the uterine lining's receptivity to implantation.

2.EGG RETRIEVAL:- The mature eggs are extracted 34 to 36 hours after the last injection and before ovulation. A patient is given sedation and pain medication. Transvaginal ultrasound is used to locate the follicles, and after that, a needle is put into the vagina to retrieve the eggs. Abdominal ultrasound is performed if transvaginal ultrasound cannot fully reveal the ovaries. A suction apparatus is used to extract many eggs.

3.EGG INCUBATION:- The eggs are incubated after being put in a nourishing fluid.

4.SPERM RETRIEVAL:- Semen samples from the spouse are taken the morning of egg retrieval by testicular aspiration or masturbation. Semen is extracted in a lab of sperm.

5.FERTILIZATION:- The sperm subsequently fertilizes the egg. The traditional procedure of combining egg and sperm and incubating them over night can be used. Another method is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which involves injecting sperm right into a mature egg. When sperm quality is poor, this is done.

6.EMBRYO TRANSFER:- Embryos are placed in the uterus for implantation in the last phase. The patient is unconscious. The catheter is connected to the syringe once it has been filled with the embryos' fluid. The embryos are injected into the uterus using a syringe.

In the event that all goes according to plan, the embryo will be put into the uterus within six to ten days.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Managing Menstrual Health: Expert Guidance from Best Gynaecologists

 Periods may be a real hassle from time to time, as we all know, thus we must maintain proper hygiene habits when menstruating. The best gynaecologists in Mumbai will share some menstruation health advice with us in this article.

One of the critical stages of a woman's body, menstruation, warrants the highest level of self-care. Maintaining good hygiene when menstruating will help you manage the discomfort and keep entirely clean while having your periods. As a result, maintaining proper menstrual hygiene should be your first priority.

Tips for Managing Menstrual Health

Regularly wash yourself:- Blood should always be cleaned away afterwards because it frequently enters small crevices during menstruation, such as the gap between your labia or the crust around your vagina. This method also works to eliminate unpleasant odours coming from the vaginal region. As a result, it's imperative to cleanse your labia and vagina before putting on a fresh pad. Extra blood can be removed with tissue or toilet paper if you are unable to clean it up completely.

Make sure not to use soap or vagina hygiene products:- Daily use of vaginal hygiene products is advised, however using them while menstruating can be harmful. During the menstrual cycle, vaginal cleansing occurs, and the use of some items might interfere with the natural process, promoting the growth of germs and illness.

Properly dispose off the sanitary pad or tampon:- To prevent the spread of bacteria or illness, it is preferable to wrap them before disposing of them. Keep in mind not to flush them since they clog the toilet, generating a water backup that spreads bacteria and illnesses everywhere. After disposing of your hands, you must wash them with soap and water.

Adhere to one sanitation method:- When there is high blood flow, women can use tampons and sanitary napkins, or two sanitary napkins at once. Even though it helps prevent stains on clothes and keep you dry, it can also spread illnesses. Tampons and sanitary napkins need to be replaced since the blood is absorbed by both methods when used together. If the pad isn't changed every day, the blood collection encourages infection-causing germs. Therefore, it is advised to use a sanitary napkin and change it as frequently as possible while there is strong blood flow. By adhering to these guidelines, you may manage your period and keep excellent health.

Final words:- These recommendations from the top gynaecologists in Kandivali help to manage menstruation health and lower the risk of infection and other health problems. To address your worries, however, speak with one of the top doctors in Mumbai if you have heavy or irregular blood flow.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery: Less Pain, Quicker Recovery in Mumbai

 Technology has advanced to the next level as time goes on. The most recent laparoscopic surgical techniques have now been refined and used by surgeons. Keyhole surgery and minimally invasive surgery are other names for laparoscopic surgery. This wonderful approach is being used more frequently every day. This method may be used to meet a variety of exploratory purposes. Let's explore and learn more about its main advantages.

Defining laparoscopic surgery

Through tiny incisions, laparoscopic surgery enables doctors to locate and treat the affected bodily part. It requires fewer cuts than traditional and open surgery.

Under general anaesthezia, the Best laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali conducts laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon must create a number of ports, which are incisions between 0.5 and 1 cm, through which tubular tools will be inserted. This kind of surgery is carried out using a device known as a laparoscope. On the screen in the operating room, the equipment transmits HD footage. While the other instruments are used to cut and stitch the tissue, the laparoscope gives the surgeon instructions.


Less risk of difficulties:- 

Using small incisions and the laparoscope, skilled surgeons may execute intricate surgeries with accuracy. In general, the laparoscopic approach causes less trauma to the nearby healthy tissues. It lessens your chance of experiencing issues both during and following the procedure.

Additionally, less blood is lost during surgery, there is a reduced chance of infection, and there is a lower danger of edoema. These are only a few advantages patients can gain from choosing laparoscopic surgery over conventional open surgery. 

Less pain:- 

All operations are seen to be significant medical occurrences. As you recuperate after surgery, pain, swelling, and bruising are fairly common. However, compared to traditional surgery, laparoscopic surgery does not produce the same level of stress to the adjacent tissues.

As it reduces surgical discomfort for many individuals, it is somewhat intrusive. It's probable that you'll experience less discomfort after surgery and during your recuperation.

A faster recovery time

Surgery patients desire to resume their normal activities as soon as possible. A patient may need 4 to 8 weeks to recuperate following routine surgery. However, recovery with laparoscopic surgery only takes 2 to 3 weeks, allowing patients to quickly get back to their normal routines.

Fewer Spots

The fact that there are less visible scars on the patient's body after laparoscopic surgery is one of its top advantages. Thanks to the use of contemporary technology to pinpoint the precise spot where the cut must be made, the procedure may be practically completed with just a little incision.

What is the cost of the laparoscopic surgery?

The complexity and location of the procedure determine the price of laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai. However, patients should only have surgery at the greatest hospital, where doctors carry it out with great care and accuracy.