Thursday 15 December 2022

Do’s and Don’ts of IVF: The perfect guide for an ideal lifestyle

 Being a parent is a blessing and one of the major life changes that requires extra attention from the mother to ensure the health of the child. In the case of IVF, the mother must also take each and every step carefully. Therefore, there are a number of dos and don'ts IVF mothers need to be aware of if they are going to become parents following successful IVF treatment in Kandivali.

The baby will only remain well and healthy throughout and after birth if the mother is healthy.

IVF dos and don'ts

1. Exercise: One of the key elements while discussing pregnancy is exercise. In order to maintain her body and mind active and healthy, the mother can practise yoga, walking, elliptical training, and other simple exercises. She is not, however, permitted to overdo it because the IVF procedure is demanding and if the mother overdoes it, she will get exhausted and under stress.

However, in this circumstance, there is a chance of nausea, discomfort, and vomiting.

2. Don’t drink alcohol: A study found that drinking alcohol had a bad effect on pregnancy. Alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of infertility in men and women by up to 50%. Therefore, refrain from consuming any alcohol when you are pregnant. Instead, opt for some nutritious juices.

3. Sleep soundly: You have managed your stress level after eating right and exercising. Take a good night's rest, which must last at least 7 hours, as the next stage. Lack of sleep makes you feel exhausted and raises your stress level, which is harmful to the mother and the unborn child.

4. A self-care regimen: Self-pampering is important during pregnancy because it relieves stress and improves both your internal and exterior well-being. Therefore, a visit to a spa, a hairdresser, or any other location that provides recreational opportunities is advised.

But keep in mind that due to enlargement of the ovaries, you should refrain from deep tissue and scalp massages.

5. Household products: Many different chemicals are utilised in homes to complete household tasks. They contain substances that disturb the endocrine system, harming hormones and reproductive health. These include things like soaps, fragrances, and nail paint.

The conclusion

It will reduce difficulties and miscarriage if you prepare your body and psyche before beginning IVF treatment. Follow the IVF dos and don'ts listed above to ensure a safe pregnancy. Contact your doctor at the Mumbai IVF clinic for more information and direction.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Ovulation, Conception, And Getting Pregnant

 The female body prepares for pregnancy each month through the reproductive organs. Women frequently don't know the precise day they became pregnant, though. The top gynaecologists in Kandivali will regard the first day of a menstrual cycle as the final day in this case.

When you talk about conception in this country, it occurs two weeks before the first day of pregnancy. But first, learn what ovulation is before we discuss what conception actually is.


The female pituitary gland in the brain produces a hormone once a month that instructs the ovaries to generate fluid-filled cysts known as follicles. As they develop, they gradually release the hormone oestrogen, which thickens the uterus's wall and helps the body become ready for pregnancy.

The follicles stop developing on the final day of a woman's menstrual cycle, with the exception of one, which continues to grow and get nutrients until it matures into an egg. Normally, this procedure takes place two weeks before the following cycle.


The egg then travels to the fallopian tube and remains there for 24 hours while waiting to be fertilised by a single sperm. However, if there isn't any sperm to fertilise the egg, it will pass through the uterus and eventually decompose.

If the sperm successfully attaches to the egg, they swiftly combine to form an embryo while a number of substances are produced to block the entry of further sperm. Progesterone, a hormone that aids in preparing the uterus for implantation, is released into the circulation during this process.

obtaining pregnancy

It is advisable to take a pregnancy test 11 to 14 days following fertilisation. The leading gynaecologist in Kandivali claims that for a home pregnancy test kit to be positive, a woman's pee has to contain a sufficient amount of hCG. In addition, you can visit a reputable healthcare professional to check for pregnancy if the test is negative.

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Finest Laparoscopic Surgery in Mumbai’s Kandivali

 Before considering the best laparoscopic surgery in Kandivali, Mumbai, let's take a closer look at what it is. Laparoscopy is a normally safe, minimally invasive treatment that only needs a few minor incisions. A tool known as a laparoscope is used during laparoscopy to check the stomach muscles.

A laparoscope is a large, thin-walled tube with a high-intensity light and camera put up front. Since the instrument is placed through a slit in the stomach partition, the best  laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai may do a laparoscopy without performing an open procedure. Your doctor could also get a preliminary biopsy report during this procedure.


A surgeon had to make a 6- to 12-inch-long cut to the patient's stomach before this structure could be put together. They had ample time to formulate their plan and think of everything they needed to try thanks to that.

By creating a few small incisions, the surgeon conducts the best laparoscopic surgery in Kandivali, Mumbai. Each is often no longer than a half-inch. When they force a cylinder through each hole, the camera and precision tools catch those. The medical procedure is subsequently carried out by the doctor.

Laparoscopy is routinely used to determine the source of pelvic or stomach pain and look into possible treatments. It is typically employed when noninvasive methods of detection fail.

Ultrasound: It uses high-frequency sound waves to capture photos of your building

CT scan: These particular X-beams capture images of the body's cross-section.

MRI scan: By employing magnets and radio waves, it captures images of their physical makeup.

When these tests' findings are insufficient for analysis, the best laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai is performed. Additionally, a biopsy or examination of tissue from a specific gastrointestinal organ can be obtained using this procedure.

Your primary care physician could advise a laparoscopy to look at the accompanying organs:

Informative addition
Tiny internal organs and the digestive system (colon)
Genitalia or reproductive organs

These regions can be seen using a laparoscope by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai.

Stomach tumor or mass
Gastrointestinal fluid
Liver disease
Specific medications’ survivability
How much a certain condition has progressed

Additionally, as a consequence of their finding, your doctor could be able to set up a plan of action for treating your sickness.


Working in this manner has various benefits over conventional medical methods. As a result of reduced cutting:

Your scars are smaller.
You leave the hospital more quickly.
The scars will heal more quickly and with less pain for you.
You can resume your regular workouts sooner.
You could have fewer internal processes.

Here is a helpful explanation. Conventional wisdom states that intestinal surgery may need you to stay in the hospital for up to seven days, and that your recuperation may take between four and two months. If you have a laparoscopic procedure, you might only need to stay in the hospital for two nights and recover in two to three weeks.


A laparoscope is used to see within your pelvic region. A significant incision is frequently required during an open surgical procedure. a laparoscope, a little, light-up telescope. With its aid, the best gynaecologists in Mumbai can examine your inside organs. An suggestive laparoscopy can determine if you have issues like endometriosis or fibroids. Furthermore, it may very well be a sort of therapy.

Smaller equipment is used to carry out various medical operations by your primary care physician. They include the following:

Removal of ovarian blisters
Tubal ligation is a kind of discreet contraception.

Laparoscopy often needs a shorter recovery period than open surgery. Additionally, it leaves scars. Gynecologists, general specialists, or other medical personnel may do this procedure.


A laparoscopy may be used for both diagnosis and treatment. A provocative strategy could occasionally transform into treatment. Demonstrative laparoscopy includes, among other things:

Unaccounted-for pelvic pain
Unexpected lack of success
A history tainted by pelvic pollution

The biopsy will be examined by a specialist after it has been taken. A pathologist is a specialist with genuine experience in tissue analysis. Your doctor will get a report with a thorough summary of the findings. They also demonstrate the overall health of your organs.

Unusual results from laparoscopy show specific conditions, such as:
Grip or meticulous scars
A ruptured appendix, gastrointestinal tract irritation
Fibroids, which are abnormal uterine growths
Tumors or blisters
Malignant growth
Cholecystitis, a bladder nerve inflammation
Injury or harm to a particular organ
Pelvic flammable disease

To discuss the findings, the best gynaecologists in Mumbai will schedule a consultation with you. The greatest laparoscopic surgery is provided by Punit Fertility and Women's Center in Kandivali, Mumbai. Dr. Miral Patel, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, provides you with the best IVF care and innovative social insurance administrations. You should let them know if you have any worries regarding their well-being.

Friday 11 November 2022

Punit Fertility the Leading IVF Treatment Centre in Mumbai

 In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is now almost exclusively used to create families. Regardless, until recently, what was once referred to be "unnaturally conceived offspring" was the product of an unusual fertility cycle. If you are attempting to conceive and seeking for resources to aid your attempts, the top IVF treatment centre in Mumbai encourages you to browse the extensive selection of products and asset manuals they offer.

IVF is more sophisticated than the simpler method for controlled impregnation, in which semen is inserted in the uterus and ovulation happens irregularly frequently. IVF needs combining sperm and eggs outside the body in a lab. An organism or thing is implanted in the uterus once it has formed. Only 5% of infertility couples are aware that IVF is a time-consuming and expensive process. However, as of its introduction, more than 200,000 new kids had been born as a result of IVF and other key methods.

What infertility-related conditions might the Mumbai IVF treatment centre threaten?

IVF may be an option if you or your partner have been evaluated using one of the following techniques and are infertile.


  • low sperm test results
  • issues with the uterus or fallopian tubes
  • Inhibitors of ovulation
  • concerns about preventing substances from harming sperm or eggs
  • Eggs of poor quality
  • disease that was inherited from the mother or parent
  • Unknown issue with ripening

Except in cases of complete oesophageal obstruction, IVF is not the main innovation in the treatment of infertility. It is only used when other approaches, including as dietary recommendations, physical exercise, and prearranged pregnancy, have failed.

Before starting the cycle, carefully assess any treatment environment if you believe IVF will be beneficial for you.

  • What is your pregnancy rate per developmental movement?
  • Given our wealth issue, what is the pregnancy rate for couples in our age group?
  • What proportion of couples that have this cycle in their midsection on a frequent basis give birth to living children?
  • What is the true cost of the plan, including the cost of these hormone supplements?
  • How much would it cost and for how long could we store developing organisms?
  • Would you be able to participate in an egg gifting programme?


You can create more eggs than one each month during the first round of IVF by injecting hormones. You will then be assessed to determine if you are prepared for egg recovery.

Before the recovery cycle, you will have the option of taking medication that ages the developing eggs and jump-starts the ovulation process. Timing is essential because the eggs must be collected before they develop in the follicles of the ovaries. If the eggs are taken too soon or after the time when they can no longer be rescued, they won't develop normally.

The Mumbai IVF clinic might do blood tests or an ultrasound to make sure the eggs are in the best developmental stage before harvesting them. Flexibly offering specific directions to be followed the night before and the day of the cycle, the IVF Treatment Center In Mumbai. The majority of young girls are given painkillers and the choice of moving while mildly relaxed or completely drugged.

In order to retrieve the eggs using an empty needle, your healthcare professional will use ultrasonography to locate follicles in the stomach during the cycle. Normally, the procedure takes less than 30 minutes. It can, however, go on for up to an hour.

Using procedures for your partner's sperm, which he will have accurately contributed on the same day, your eggs will be mixed in a lab after recuperation. While you and your partner go back to your home, the medicated eggs are kept in a training facility under under observation to guarantee proper growth. You can wait a few times before the developing organism enters the far more challenging blastocyst stage thanks to your instruction.

Once the developing organisms are ready enough that medical personnel can introduce at least one of them into your uterus, you can return to the Mumbai IVF facility. This cycle's recovery of this egg is more difficult and time-consuming. Three growing organisms should be moved together to boost the likelihood of conception, according to the top IVF clinic in Mumbai. The likelihood that you will have more than one pregnancy, however, increases the possibility that both you and the child will be healthy. 

You would frequently spend a lot of time in bed following the cycle before being let go four to six hours later. Your primary care doctor will likely perform a pregnancy evaluation on you 14 days after the embryo moves.

When a patient has extremely low sperm counts or poor motility, doctors may combine IVF utilising a procedure called as intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (development of the semen). After it has been created, the incipient functioning organism is transferred into the uterus via the standard IVF method.


The cause of infertility, the region where the operation is being done, and your age all affect the success rates of IVF. IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT are only a few of the assisted reproductive technologies (ART) procedures that are employed in the United States and for which the CDC compiles public data. However, IVF, which accounts for 99 percent of these cycles, is unquestionably the most widespread. The latest recent information 

  • Pregnancy has been attained in 27.3% of cycles, which is the typical rate (lower or higher depending on the hour of the young lady ).
  • The average was 22.2 percent of cycles that produced live births (lower or higher depending on the hour of the young lady ).

For instance, a woman under the age of 35 who has IVF has a 39.6% probability of becoming pregnant, compared to an 11.5% chance for a woman over the age of 40. But the CDC has lately found that success rates rise for patients of all ages as methods are improved and physicians gain more understanding.


Your location, the number of medicines you select, the number of IVF cycles you go through, and the amount your insurance company will pay up front for the cycle will all affect how much it will cost. You should acquire a written benefits statement and thoroughly investigate the IVF coverage offered by your insurance company.

Also keep in mind that certain insurance companies may only cover follow-up care and specific infertility medications, not the price of IVF or other dubious regeneration techniques.


Let's say you're searching for the best IVF clinic in Mumbai but aren't sure which one to choose. Punit Fertility and Women's Center is the most ideal and cost-effective solution in that circumstance, so we strongly advise it.

Dr. Miral Patel, one of the top gynaecologists in Mumbai, offers considerate, cutting-edge gynaecological and family planning services to women of all ages. They discreetly offer premium medical benefits that are customised to the unique needs of women.

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Best Ways to Improve Your Chances of Conceiving

 When a woman decides she wants children, she takes every attempt to get pregnant. However, it takes a lot of effort and time to become pregnant, which is important to comprehend in this case.

If you are experiencing problems conceiving, the first thing you should do is consult with one of the best gynecologists in Kandivali.

Only 20% of healthy women who are almost 30 years old will become pregnant. However, it may take more time to move past the idea of being pregnant and really do it. Few specialists recommend starting the process of getting pregnant. Let's note them down.

Important Methods of conception

1. Attempt to keep your body in good shape.

With physical health comes an increased chance of getting pregnant. In order to pursue the best and healthiest method of conception, you may also arrange a meeting with the competent medical professional.

Your present problems would be brought to light during the preconception appointment, enabling you to take a more complete approach to getting pregnant as soon as is practical.

In addition, some lifestyle modifications, such as ideal weight control, abstention from alcohol, and decreased coffee use, would be anticipated.

2. Individualization

Everything is determined on the orgasmic positions and other factors. The modern conception of fertility is further undermined by a number of misconceptions. Try out a few different poses and keep your hips lifted after a sexual session.

Orgasmic women are also more likely to get pregnant. You can also experiment with lubrication. There is a reputation for some sperm products to reduce chances of conception. Avoid using saliva, Astroglide, and K-Y jelly.

Among many others, give mineral oil and pre-speed a shot. By employing these straightforward techniques, you might have a healthier and shorter pregnancy.

3. Ovulation forecasting device

There are various modern methods for getting ready for childbirth. If you prefer a more complex conception approach, ovulation prediction kits are readily available. In many aspects, these are similar to urine pregnancy tests. The LH spike that occurs soon before ovulation is detected by the test strips.

You might stay ahead of the curve and be more dedicated to starting a family if you take these proactive measures.

When to Request Help

The majority of healthy couples conceive within a year, but some experience significant difficulties. If you and your partner have been trying for a while without success, schedule a visit with a gynaecologist right away. Look through the top gynaecologists in Kandivali and select the most knowledgeable one to leave no room for family planning.

Thursday 3 November 2022

What are the Common Myths about IVF Treatment & its Facts

 Have you recently pondered beginning IVF treatments but have been discouraged by some persistent myths? It's time to stop believing these myths and switch to a parenting approach that works. Technology for IVF has evolved substantially.

It's time to dispel some myths regarding in vitro fertilisation (IVF) that the leading IVF center in Kandivali has completely debunked. It's imperative to clear up these misconceptions because doing otherwise could lead to a lifetime of family planning issues.

Couples have been able to transition to IVF in a healthy way thanks to IVF procedures utilising ART, or assisted reproductive technology, in keeping with the advancement and more advanced method of family planning.

Real Facts to Dispel Myths and All the IVF Information You Need to Know

Myth: If you are Covid-19 positive, breastfeeding is not possible.

Factual: The claim made in any scientific study that an infection spreads through nursing is unsupported by any data. You are now able to continue feeding your IVF-born child.

Myth: Long hospital stays are necessary for IVF.

Factual: Only your complete focus is required for the best IVF treatment in Kandivali. You are not required to stay in the hospital for any length of time. It places a focus on family planning that is more efficient, secure, and healthy.

Myth: The main reason for IVF is female infertility.

Factual: Infertility affects men and women equally frequently, despite the fact that some people may find this to be an uncomfortable reality.

Myth: Couples that are younger should avoid IVF.

Factual: This is a recurrent myth; in reality, IVF works well for treating older couples. The level of effectiveness is a little lower, nevertheless, as compared to couples who are younger.

Myth: Babies born via IVF will have birth problems.

Factual: Regarding congenital abilities, there is no difference between a child or baby born by IVF and a baby born typically.

Myth: IVF is more expensive since it is an unnatural process.

Factual: The greatest institutions will treat you without requiring you to spend a lot of money.

Myth: The first IVF cycle is assured.

Factual: The success rate is highly impacted by the centre you choose.

Learn More from Professionals

If you're considering using IVF to plan your family in a healthy way, you should speak with the best provider of IVF services in Kandivali. Don't take the chance of settling for anything less than the best.

Make a quick appointment for a more targeted IVF process.

Wednesday 12 October 2022


 The biological process known as menopause, which ends women's menstrual cycles, is most frequently linked to getting older. But on occasion, it shows up early.

It is a typical biological process that occurs in women beyond the age of 50. Therefore, it is not a terrible thing, but the symptoms of menopause are. For prompt treatment, they can refer you to a menopausal clinic in Mumbai.

Menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood changes, and sleep disturbances are typical and can be uncomfortable. In addition, menopausal women frequently have vaginal dryness and problems with their metabolism.

These are merely typical symptoms, though. In other cases, women exhibit certain undesirable symptoms, necessitating a fast intervention from medical personnel.

A FEW SERIOUS MENOPAUSE Symptoms You Should Be Concerned About

REDUCED INFERTILITY: When more than 12 months go by without a monthly period, menopause sets in. This led to reduced fertility or total infertility. It denotes that a woman has finished her reproductive cycle, meaning her possibilities of getting pregnant have been eliminated.

VAGINAL CONCERNS: The majority of cases of vaginal infection, dryness, and other problems have been reported in menopausal women. Few women also experience problems with frequent urinating.

DEPRESSION: Many physical changes that occur during menopause cause mood swings in women. Additionally, irritations in the body cause lethargy at night, which causes despair and anxiety.

THINNING OR LOSS OF HAIR: Menopause affects facial beauty, especially overall appearance, and hair thinning or full hair loss is the most unwelcome symptom.

WELLNESS GAIN: Unexpected, sudden weight increase can also lead to menopause, which subsequently serves as a breeding ground for additional diseases in the body.


As previously said, menopause is a normal biological process that cannot be stopped or reversed. It doesn't become worse until it arrives early. However, not all women are as fortunate. Menopause can occur early in certain women, a condition known as premature Menopause. If early medical advice is ignored, this condition can lead to major health issues like osteoporosis and heart disease. So whether you are experiencing the menopause or have already done so at an unusually young age, you should be worried about your health right now. You need to contact a Menopausal clinic in Mumbai immediately because the situation is critical for you.

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Low-Cost IVF Treatment Center In Mumbai

 Struggles with infertility are fairly prevalent today. Around the world, having a kid is turning into a worse nightmare for many couples. Large urban areas like Mumbai are where the problem is much more pervasive.

Couples are increasingly seeking IVF treatments in Mumbai after experiencing multiple breakdowns since these procedures offer new hope to women who may have given up all dreams and expectations that they will ever become mothers.

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), which has a success rate of over 65%, is seen to be one of the most promising treatments for women who are having trouble getting pregnant.

However, few women are actually interested in receiving treatment. WHY?

The largest answer, then, is the price. They feel that IVF treatment is out of their price range and do not want to do it. However, learning more about the costs of IVF therapy is preferable to leading a barren existence.

What is the price of IVF treatment?

The price of IVF treatment varies from one nation, state, or city to another. It is therefore recommended to look locally rather than globally for IVF prices. Try to find the best IVF treatment facility in Mumbai if you live there.

IVF therapy typically costs Rs 600 in India as a registration fee. The true cost of treatment may range from 50,000 to 300,000 rupees.

Depending on the patient's circumstances as well. The cost gradually increases as more procedures and medical interventions are needed.

But in order to prevent being duped or victimised by someone in Mumbai, you should make an effort to contact an accredited and trusted IVF center. The precise IVF treatment method, including how to get a low-cost IVF therapy, will always be explained by a certified clinic.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF treatment: It is not at all in the doctor's hands

Still, a few things can affect how much an IVF procedure ultimately costs. These are listed below.

Egg/Sperm donation
Embryo donation 
Assisted hatching
Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)
Non-medical expenses etc.

The clinical success rate is by far the main factor influencing how much infertility treatment will cost. Go forward if a facility has outstanding testimonies, rave client ratings, and, most importantly, if they make use of cutting-edge technology.

The best IVF clinic in Mumbai will help you realise that tough choices aren't actually all that difficult.

Sunday 18 September 2022

Infertility in Women: Causes, Risk Factors And Treatment

 An extremely dangerous disorder that makes getting pregnant difficult is referred to as "infertility." A woman is treated for this if she hasn't become pregnant in a year. Infertility can be treated in a number of ways so that your life can resume its normal course. Medication and other therapies are used to treat physical problems or hormonal abnormalities. Your concerns regarding infertility may be allayed at a premier IVF treatment center in Mumbai. You can fix it in a variety of ways with a thorough treatment strategy.

How Can Infertility Be Prevented? What Causes Infertility?

Infertility in heterosexual couples is caused by several different circumstances. One-third of the causes are due to male inaction, another third are due to female issues, and the remaining third is a combination of factors or undetermined causes. Infertility is the term used to describe the absence of the female. Other significant contributing factors to infertility include being over 35 or a male over 40, diabetes, eating disorders, binge drinking, exposure to toxins in the environment, excessive physical activity, and radiation therapy.

There are additional causes, but there is a therapy for each cause.

Infertility is a common ailment that affects the majority of women today. For one reason or another, at least 20% of females experience or are at risk for infertility.

Infertility is more common as women age.

What Consequences Can Infertility Cause?

Infertility carries quite a few possible hazards. Female infertility can get worse under a variety of circumstances, including general health imbalances, lifestyle changes, and other unusual situations.

1. Age

The most frequent risk factor connected to concerns about female infertility is age. It creates barriers to a straightforward pregnancy. As a woman ages, her eggs both in quantity and quality start to become less effective. Thus, one element affecting female infertility is age.

2. Regularly Toxic Behavior

Infertility is something you might suffer in the future if you smoke frequently. This infertility may result in harm to the cervical tissues and fallopian tubes. Smoking also raises the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Furthermore, if you drink too much, you can have reduced sexual vigor and find it more difficult to conceive a healthy child.

3. The consequences of obesity

Women ought to keep their weight in proportion to their height. There are high risks of developing infertility if weight and height are not balanced and used in the right equation.

Women who are obese are more prone to experience infertility issues. So it's a good idea to constantly walk with a weight that is suitable for your height.

4. The beginning of chronic illnesses

The onset of conditions like PCOS or PCOD in younger girls is another risk factor for infertility. These illnesses are brought on, among other things, by excessive coffee consumption, consuming fried and fast food, and not getting enough exercise.

These illnesses are more likely to result in female infertility since they are more difficult to treat.

5. Sexual background

The lack of desire for personal intimacy, which affects both men and women, is the most notable aspect of the risk connected with infertility. In the normal course of sexual life, the inability or refusal to have children could result in a number of problems. If one has a troubled sexual past, there may be a number of obstacles to female fertility.

Exams Relating to Infertility

To rule out infertility, you might be asked to undertake tests like a comprehensive physical exam, a pelvic exam, a pap test, a pelvic ultrasound, and an assessment of your breast and milk production.

Blood tests, X-rays, laparoscopies, transvaginal ultrasounds, saline Sono hysterograms, and hysteroscopies are additional therapies that must be performed in a lab under the direction of a specialist.

Treatments for infertility

There are numerous options for treating infertility, regardless of the risks or causes, if you discover the best IVF treatment center in Mumbai. The causes of infertility affect the treatment options.

If there are structural problems, these will be resolved through surgery. If there are any hormone irregularities, drugs can be used to treat them. For some patients, IVF or artificial insemination is required. Surrogacy and adoption are other options for a woman who wishes to have a child.

The effectiveness of your infertility treatments is more influenced by the clinic you choose for treatment. You will be able to free yourself from the limitations of the problem once you find the best treatment center.

The impairment could exist in either a man or a woman, but that doesn't imply it can't be corrected. Punit Fertility is one of the most well-known fertility treatment facilities. Because they are here to offer you the best of everything for a successful and happy parenting experience, they are here with their professional skills.

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Best Doctor for Menopause in Mumbai

 Women might be made aware of the menopausal state's commencement by the advent of the signs and symptoms. If you are going through the challenging transition to regular periods and hot flashes, it is time to shift your focus from pain to therapy. You can have your symptoms assessed and discover what is causing them by going to the best menopausal clinic in Mumbai.

In other instances, more testing is required to pinpoint the particular menopause stage and provide the right treatment. To guarantee the best healing outcomes, all that is required is to schedule an appointment at Mumbai's premier clinic.

Enhanced Results from the Best

You must always keep in mind that nothing less than the best will do if you are a patient or sufferer. By going to the best menopause clinic in Mumbai, you can quickly put your worries to rest. Menopause treatment may take time and effort, provided you remember all the requirements and convey them to your doctor clearly.

A distinguished group of physicians who are excellent candidates for the procedure work at Punit Fertility. Menopause is correctly treated by experts using hormonal therapy, conventional drugs, and alternative remedies. Only disorders can cause pain, which goes away once you see a doctor.

The Treatment Approach of Multiplicity

The fact that there are numerous approaches to cure your illness is one of the finest benefits of making an appointment at the top menopausal clinic in Mumbai. Here, the professionals with years of expertise have weeded out the best treatment options and are excelling at each of them to put the women's agony and anxiety to ease. Menopause can be challenging and exhausting, but with the correct support, you can wave all of your pain concerns goodbye.

Among the traditional or effective methods of treating menopause are:

Hormonal Treatment
Vasoactive Estrogen
low-dose depression medications
Drugs to treat osteoporosis

Cheapness at its Best

Most women decide to put up with their agony because they think it will be too expensive to obtain treatment. Making an appointment with Punit, where quality and price are too great to pass up, will dispel this myth right away. You can find the ideal circle of reasonably priced treatments and regular scheduling here, which also costs you the absolute least.

By receiving the best care at the lowest cost, your pain and suffering might be quickly put to an end. Punit Fertility can help you make better selections straight now.

Additionally, medications are given to you after consultations, enabling you to always continue treatment in a rational manner.

Visit the best clinic immediately.

Living in discomfort and avoiding a healthy way of life is never the wiser course of action. Medical help is required when menopause becomes intolerable. Making an appointment at the best clinic and having everything taken care of with the appropriate meds and therapies is the wiser line of action. In order to allay your worries, go to the best menopausal clinic in Mumbai.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Laparoscopy: Treatment, Procedure, and Cost in Kandivali Mumbai

 To begin, let's define precisely what this laparoscopic procedure entails: it is the surgical procedure of carefully examining the organs within the belly.

Generally speaking, this procedure is minimally invasive, low risk, and only necessitates a few incisions. It also leaves no side effects. The standard tool used to do this surgery is a tiny camera called a laparoscope.

The front camera is used, along with a high focus. When performing this technique, open surgery is typically avoided. This low-risk procedure carried out by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali is all required to guarantee the process is as convenient as feasible.

What is the course of treatment during a laparoscopy?

The surgeon conducts the procedure for collecting biopsy samples. A camera is used to send an image of the uterine organs. On the TV display, this is visible. In this instance, the video camera acts as the surgeon's eye, enabling them to more quickly point out faults.

Any abdominal malformations are seen here. The only thing that has to be done to guarantee that the condition is handled correctly and successfully is to get in touch with the top laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali. This surgical approach is favored over more traditional ones since it is risk-free and has rapid recovery times.

Recognize the Process

The laparoscopic operation is carried out after careful planning on the part of the surgeon and the patient. The patient is prepared physically and mentally by the top laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali.

The procedure begins with a little incision around the belly button that is between one and five millimeters long. After that, a tube is inserted via the little incision. Then, carbon dioxide gas is pumped into the abdomen to expand it. This offers the surgeon more room to work and enables a sharper, closer view of the innards of the organs.

In order to send images to the screen or monitor, a laparoscope is subsequently inserted via the tube. Then, a parallel second incision is made in the area of the abdomen. 

This is done to introduce microscopic surgical devices.

The patient is then treated while the appropriate location is treated using the laparoscope as a guide for the tools. After the surgery, the abdomen is inflated out of the CO2. The wounds are then closed with stitches, clips, and dressings.

This method alters how a tumor restricts the bile duct, and the doctor typically suggests reconstructing it.

What Symptoms and Signs Might Cause You to Need Surgery?

Laparoscopy has been used in both ways to address problems that are persistent in gynecology, urology, gastrointestinal, as well as other specialties. Significant symptoms that act as blatant indicators that the operation is required include the ones listed below:

If you experience persistent lower abdominal pain that is brought on by a bacterial infection of the genital or urinary system, you should have the procedure.
If you are in excruciating agony because of a high menstrual flow, you will be urged to have the operation as soon as you can.
When ovarian cysts form, pelvic pain starts to become present. At this point, the operation would be necessary.

If you have severe lower abdomen pain and significant inflammation from an appendix infection, you need to get the surgical surgery done very away because there is a significant risk.
The pain in your stomach might occasionally seem mysterious. You decided to have the surgery as a result of this mysterious pain.

How Much Would the Surgery Cost?

The greatest laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali typically charges a fair price for this procedure. The cost varies significantly depending on the type and health of the patient. As a result, the initial price could range from Rs. 25 to Rs. 30,000 in general.

The price may be a little higher depending on the situation and the type of service you need. Health problems, however, can be a barrier to low prices. However, the majority of people go through the process each year, and it is typically very affordable when taking insurance coverage into account.

Therefore, make an appointment for a consultation with the best surgeon for a procedure that is affordable.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Affordable Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mumbai

 Surgery-related decisions are typically challenging due to the responsibilities and worries regarding recovery that are associated with it. However, patients may suffer from extreme discomfort and even more catastrophic issues if medical treatments like surgery are difficult.

If you've been told to get laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai, you can do some research to identify the best hospital in Mumbai for the procedure.

Never underestimate the responsibilities that come with choosing the greatest surgeon; at Punit, everything is figured out as fast and easily as feasible.

Because of its extensive offerings and years of experience, this hospital primarily focuses on surgeries that provide excellent patient care.

What does a gastric bypass treatment accomplish?

Gastric bypass surgery, often known as bariatric surgery, involves creating a narrow pouch from the patient's existing stomach. For this procedure, you would need to give it your complete focus in order to get ready for it properly.

To shed the extra weight and reduce their risk of developing potentially fatal illnesses, some people are advised to have surgery. This procedure aims to reduce the patient's stress caused by problems associated with weight disorders. A patient is advised to get laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai if they have high blood pressure, cardiac issues, or other ailments.

Preparing for the Surgery

Prior to arranging the procedure, it is crucial to select the best hospital in order to be absolutely convinced of the results and recoveries. Choose the best hospital that offers excellent care and has a strong track record of medical records.

A few aspects of yourself would need improvement in the months before the treatment. You would need to take part in a preoperative program. To prevent pain or inconvenience, patients are required to consume only liquids for the final two weeks prior to treatment.

The best hospital will always provide you with advice on how to proceed in order to get the most efficient and reasonably priced care for this surgery.

What to anticipate from the procedure?

In the pre-operative part of the hospital's surgical unit, this treatment is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. The nurse will start an antibiotic, insert a peripheral IV, and check your vital signs to ensure everything is functioning properly as soon as you change into the medical attire.

Anesthesia will put you to sleep after a brief explanation of the operation for you. The procedure won't hurt in any way. Before any incisions are done, the breathing tube and the urine catheter will be implanted. Inflatable compression devices would also be placed to prevent blood clots.

Upkeep of the Intakes

As it relates to the diets you maintain, this operation requires all of your focus. A low-calorie diet would need to be adopted one to four weeks prior to the treatment. Only two or more protein shakes and eight various kinds of calorie-free beverages would make up this diet.

Additionally, you want to regularly consume liquids like water, unsweetened tea, crystal lite, and others. Patients are permitted to consume broths, unsweetened black coffee, and little amounts of popsicles. This diet will decrease the size and stiffness of your liver. In this way, injuries are monitored and prevented throughout the surgical procedures.

The Best Medical Facility Selection

You must take the greatest care of yourself and recuperate as quickly as you can after surgery because it is a decision that cannot be undone. You will receive this if you plan your procedure at the best hospital in Mumbai for this type of treatment, which ensures outstanding and cutting-edge medical care.

Here, you may get the best medical treatment for the most affordable price without breaking the bank.

The majority of people opt out of surgery due to the high costs, but the best hospitals never let you since you always get the best care at the most affordable price.

Schedule Your Surgical Procedure Right Away

Before it's too late, schedule your operation right away. By doing this, you may ensure that you will receive the best care possible as soon as possible at the top hospital in Mumbai, where both quality and cost are unmatched. So schedule your surgery for tomorrow.

Monday 1 August 2022

Best Gynaecologists for Normal and Caesarean Delivery in Kandivali, Mumbai

 One of the most difficult experiences a woman can have is becoming pregnant, which might occasionally make you feel a little more complicated. As a new parent, you must give the process of securely taking your child home your undivided focus. This demonstrates how important it is for you to choose your surgeon and gynecologist carefully and precisely.

We are available to allay your worries about the best gynaecologists in Kandivali. It is one of the smartest and safest medical decisions you can make because we guarantee a safer delivery for you and handle every stage from prenatal to postpartum care.

Our expert surgeons pay close attention to every detail when it comes to comfort.

Know about vaginal and c-section deliveries

Normal delivery is the birth of a child naturally via the mother's vagina without the use of any medical interventions. The term "vaginal delivery" is frequently used to describe this. The advantages of a normal delivery now include a mother's speedier recovery and shorter hospital stays.

The procedure of delivering the baby through incisions made in the belly and uterus is known as a Caesarean section, or C-section, for short. It is often done when there are specific pregnancy issues.

Making the Best Gynecologist Choices for All Delivery Types

A pregnant lady may occasionally be unaware of the potential issues that could be coming. Only if you believe you may have had problems during your pregnancy and were tested for them should you seek help from the best gynecologist.

The greatest gynecologists in Kandivali will treat you expertly at any stage of pregnancy, from a regular delivery to a cesarean section.

You may keep up with the most recent information by scheduling an appointment with the best physicians, who can also assist you with organizing your surgical deliveries in advance.

Here are some assurances from professionals.

From the start of your journey till the birth of your child, from the normal to the C-sec, experts would never leave you on your own. Delivery times are difficult, but so are the tasks that must be completed before and after them. It will be as straightforward as possible for you to receive expert gynecological care here, and you won't have to keep second-guessing yourself or go it alone on the road to recovery.

Due to their years of experience, access to top-notch care, and knowledge of the best procedures, experts are the best birth partners for safely bringing your kid into the world.

Safety Comes First at All

Another factor is the sense of security you get from selecting the top gynecologists in Kandivali. In order to give your child the safest environment possible, being a mother demands you to be vigilant enough to look for the greatest procedures and care.

It is usually a wise decision to put safety and elementary experience first before selecting a certain gynecologist. Choose a doctor with considerable experience and cutting-edge methods to ensure a smooth, enjoyable, and easy delivery.

If you choose wisely, you can deliver your child safely and securely. So, aim for nothing less than the best possible primary care.

Make Your Appointment Right Now

Punit fertility is the preferred location for your medical treatments since it provides top-notch technology, state-of-the-art services, and medical solutions. Here, you can safely make birth plans and work toward getting the greatest care at the most affordable price.

To make a reservation and obtain the proper pre- and post-delivery care.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Best Hospital for Female Infertility Treatment

 Punit Fertility's clinically validated fertility therapies were developed after extensive research and testing. It is currently regarded as the best female infertility hospital in Mumbai, and it is pleased with the ease and expertise with which it treats patients.

Punit fertility offers everything, including a cutting-edge routine and a fruitful methodology focused on obtaining solutions. With its quick results and cost-effective techniques, Punit Fertility is the only alternative for escaping the restrictions of infertility.

They give every client the same level of attention because of a totally client-centric strategy. Regardless of how severe the issue is, their special formulation and therapy packages are ideal for treating infertility.


Punit Fertility, one of the most renowned fertility treatment centers, has years of experience and knowledge. You no longer need to abandon your plans for reproductive medical treatments because we are here with their professional panel to provide you with the best of everything, from cost to effectiveness and everything in between.

Treatment programs and innovative methods are some benefits of their services. Treatment programs designed by their team of experts will assist you in successfully addressing any linked issues, including female ovulation. Therefore, you can say goodbye to your infertility problems with their successful approaches and treatment plans, which will lead to joy bundles.

Best Way to Experience Being a Mother

The leading gynecology facility in Mumbai, Punit Fertility, has assisted hundreds of women in realizing and achieving their dream of becoming mothers. You can take full advantage of your medical investments thanks to the rapid implementation of their services and treatment programs. When a woman is infertile, she has numerous emotional and mental health issues. The key is to get through the process swiftly and painlessly.

Give yourself the proper Treatment. By Dr. Miral Patel

Dr. Miral Patel, a knowledgeable gynecologist, can help you target your treatments as necessary. You may do tasks fast and effectively by using technologically enhanced solutions. Punit Fertility's professional direction ensures success at all times.

They provide a wonderful and successful stage-by-stage therapy approach. It facilitates internal system adjustment, increasing the likelihood of having children.

To have a healthy and happy family, schedule a consultation at Punit Fertility, the top female infertility clinic in Mumbai. Make sure to complete everything in the most economical way feasible.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Best Lady Doctor (Gynaecologist) in Kandivali, Mumbai

 The health of female reproductive systems is the sole focus of the medical specialty of gynecology. These doctors specialize in issues relating to the female reproductive system. Today, the majority of women struggle with gynecological issues, such as PCOD or PCOS, infertility, and other related issues. Making a consultation appointment with the best lady doctor in Kandivali is essential in this circumstance.

Punit, which guarantees the greatest services and highest standard of care, is where you can expect the best services. Punit fertility offers the best treatments and services, making it the perfect place to schedule an appointment to put an end to your issues.

Highest of the Attention to Details

Finding the right physician is essential since gynecological issues must be resolved from the ground up. It is no longer a worry with the best female doctor ensuring the highest caliber.

The best treatment may be provided for you by utilizing cutting-edge technology and paying close attention to every detail. A package of cost-effectiveness is guaranteed by the top doctor thanks to her years of training and expertise.

No matter how dire your circumstance, you would always have access to the best services. Punit fertility may be the healthiest option in light of this.

Precision to a Variety of Concerns

Because Punit Fertility employs the top gynecologist in Mumbai, it can provide patients with a holistic approach to gynecology. Everything from the treatment of deadly diseases to infertility and other pregnancy-related treatments may involve a precision-focused approach.

You no longer need to fight to locate the right care thanks to the first-rate amenities and state-of-the-art solutions. Additionally, if you are going through a high-risk pregnancy, which poses a lot of obstacles to a healthy birth, you can expect to obtain treatment here.

You may work to ensure the best prenatal care from conception to delivery and birth of a healthy child. Find the best doctor you can and avoid delaying treatment at any cost.

What to Expect from the Consultation

Once you schedule a consultation with the most prominent female physician in Kandivali, you will be qualified for the best treatment benefits. You would go through a physical examination first to determine the cause of the problem. This would provide you with the best line of action for treating your problem.

Following the completion of the physical examination and tests, a painstakingly crafted prescription would be issued. With basic drugs, it would be an easy process. Additionally, you might need to make some lifestyle changes.

You can begin your recovery process as soon as possible with this straightforward treatment.

Free Yourself from the Shackles of Concerns

Punit Fertility is the best option if you've been attempting to get yourself treated for gynecological issues for a while but weren't sure.

Punit Fertility is the ideal medical center to put an end to your issues because it provides top-notch services and affordable treatment alternatives. Don't delay your operation; get an appointment with the best gynecological hospital in Mumbai.

Thursday 7 July 2022

How to Choose the Right IVF Doctor & Hospital in Kandivali, Mumbai

 In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a medical process used to assist couples who are unable to conceive naturally so they can enjoy the blessings of motherhood. It is a technological and scientific miracle made specifically for humanity.

Given that IVF can be a difficult process, choosing the best IVF treatment in Kandivali is crucial. If you're having problems overcoming the challenges of infertility and want to use IVF as a solution, another option is to find the right specialist.

You must take into account a number of different factors when selecting the finest doctor to administer IVF to you. Let's look at what you need to do to make the IVF successful for you.


How to Find the Right IVF Doctor

1. Continue your investigation to find the best IVF doctor.

You need to conduct extensive research on the various facilities in order to choose the best IVF treatment clinic in Mumbai. Here, you need to consider and evaluate the advantages of each center.

All you have to do is do your research, rely on it constantly, and be aware of the best services that the medical facilities that are close to you will be offering.


2. Be aware of their level of experience

Once you are able to reduce the list to a manageable number, you ought to be able to select the centers with the most experience. The more experience they had, the better the services you might receive.

Only a top doctor should be able to manage IVF because it is a medical procedure that requires total precision and is technically difficult. Therefore, always schedule an appointment with a person who can deliver the services as promised and who has the best experience.


3. Consider reviews and recommendations

As an easy alternative, talk to people who have already undergone IVF treatment at the center you wish to visit. Knowing what other people think is always beneficial, and after learning more about the intricacies of the best doctor's services, you'll feel more confident moving on with the IVF procedure.

Therefore, constantly seek out referrals, read online reviews, and choose the best possible decision.


4. Examine success rates.

As you proceed with IVF, one of the most crucial variables to take into account is the success rate. It gives you a clear idea of the degree of expertise or experience that a certain doctor holds.

Always keep the success rate in mind as you move forward and keep an eye out for it. Aim for the highest success rate you can get so you have the knowledge you need to choose the best course of treatment. The success rate would improve the likelihood of acting rationally and pursuing healthy parenting.


Envision Healthy Parenting with Punit Fertility

You are entitled to the best services when you make an appointment with the best institution, and everything is within your means. You receive this as a part of a comprehensive package at Punit Fertility. So, without second-guessing, enjoy motherhood and make an appointment with Punit Fertility for a simpler, more technologically advanced IVF procedure.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Kandivali Mumbai

 Surgical procedures are the most time-consuming to choose. All criteria must be addressed when choosing the ideal institution for renowned surgeons.

Looking for the best laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali MumbaiDon’t be concerned when Punit’s premier team of specialists is on your side.

You'll be using a comprehensive approach to get yourself a complete and cost-effective solution. But, before we go any further, let's make sure we understand exactly what the treatment comprises.

What exactly is laparoscopic surgery, and what does it entail?

The surgeon can view inside the patient's abdomen and pelvis without making any incisions or cuts with a laparoscopic operation. Large incisions are avoided during the procedure, making it a less invasive procedure.

It's also known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery. The treatment is performed using a laparoscope device, which removes the need for large incisions.

The structure of the equipment resembles a small tube containing a light source and a camera. On a television monitor, it shows images of the inside of the abdomen or pelvis.

What Advantages Would You Get with the Leading Surgeon?

You will be entitled to the following set of perks after you book an appointment with the best laparoscopic surgeon in Kandivali Mumbai:

1. Less time in the hospital

Because the procedure is less invasive and painless, you won't have to stay in the hospital as long.

Making an appointment with one of the top specialists will enable you to achieve a rapid recovery and get back on your feet as soon as possible.

2. Less bleeding after the operation

Another immediate advantage of having oneself treated by specialists is the accuracy and expertise with which they perform the process.

Because larger incisions are avoided, the minimally invasive method allows you to rest during the procedure, and bleeding is greatly decreased.

This is how you can arrange a procedure that is both safe and does not result in excessive bleeding. As a result, make certain you are in the ideal position to select a surgeon, as this will have a huge impact on the procedure's results.

3. Scarring and markings are lessened

Because of the tension of lines and scars that stay on the body after surgery, surgery can be a source of anxiety for certain people. The risk of scarring has been reduced to a bare minimum with the passage of time and technological innovation.

You no longer need to be terrified of operations because innovative laparoscopic techniques are now available to address your vehicle issues.

To make things as simple as possible for you, you must schedule an appointment with an expert.

So, with the help of experienced surgeons, you can have a comprehensive blend of ease and fewer cut complications.

Get Your Treatment Consultation Booked Today

It is not a good idea to put off surgery if it has been indicated or directed to you. It has the potential to exacerbate the problem and lead to more serious issues.

Laparoscopy surgery is now more accessible than ever because of technology breakthroughs and improved quality.

So, book your surgery therapy right away and make sure you can complete it in a timely manner. Get access to more cost-effective solutions to your medical problems.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Hair Fall During Pregnancy- Explained by the Best Gynecologist in Kandivali Mumbai

 Hair loss is common during pregnancy, but if you're finding unusual amounts of hair strands when combing your hair or showering, be cautious.

It could be a symptom of anything serious that you should be concerned about. When one of the best gynecologists in Kandivali, Dr. Punit, was asked about hair loss during pregnancy, he provided some informative and helpful information.

Listen to Dr. Punit to get to the bottom of the problem.

What Hair Loss During Pregnancy is Considered- Normal or Abnormal?

Hair loss symptoms during pregnancy are similar to hair difficulties caused by a variety of medical illnesses. These signs are frequently ignored, but they quickly become a source of concern when you see a significant difference in your hair volume between before and today.

Yes, according to Dr. Punit, you have a larger likelihood of losing hair during pregnancy. The months following childbirth are the most typical time for a pregnant woman to have significant hair loss.

It is the period after birth when the mother's body undergoes a significant decline in estrogen levels. Every time they wash their hair, several ladies have been spotted losing hundreds of hair strands. However, the problem should resolve itself after six months of delivery, but if it persists, you should not wait any longer. For treatment, contact the top gynecologists in Kandivali, Mumbai.

Causes of Hair Loss During Pregnancy

The following are the most common causes of hair loss during pregnancy that should be recognized as soon as possible before it's too late.

1. Poor Nutrition

Hair problems in expectant mothers are caused by a variety of factors, including poor diet. Pregnant women should be extra cautious and vigilant about their diet. Hair loss might happen from breaking or skipping your nutritious food diet, which must be remembered for the rest of your life.

2. Genetics

The primary cause of hair loss in many pregnant women has been discovered to be genetic factors. If your mother experienced hair loss while giving birth to you, there's a good chance you'll experience it as well.

3. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes in the body have long been recognized as the most common cause of hair loss. These alterations, according to some of Kandivali's greatest gynecologists, can disrupt the hair growth cycle, a disorder known medically as "telogen effluvium."

4. Reproductive Causes

Hair loss can occur as a result of any reproductive issues, such as birth control pill use, stillbirths, or abortions.

5. Other Causes

Other factors that can contribute to a hair loss crisis in your life include skin disease, scalp difficulties, stress, thyroid deficiency, and so on. Expect a rough time ahead if you aren't taking early medicine or taking fast actions to improve your health.

How Can You Control Hair Fall During Pregnancy?

According to Dr. Punit, as soon as a woman receives the good news of becoming a mother, she should make a checklist with the following items.

1. Avoid Chemical Products

Avoid using chemical products on your hair and face as much as possible unless your doctor recommends it. If you use hair products that contain silica and biotin, you may get significant hair problems.

2. Try Meditation

Meditation has numerous advantages, and some scientific evidence suggests that pregnant women should practice it on a daily basis. Meditation on a daily basis can help you get rid of stress, which is the major cause of hormonal changes and hair loss in women.

3. Healthy Diet

When you eat a healthy diet, you can solve a lot of difficulties. However, the finest benefits can be achieved when a nutritious diet is combined with regular exercise.

4. Avoid Brushing or Combing Hair Repeatedly

Because the decreasing estrogen level after childbirth weakens the hair root, you must avoid brushing or combing your hair frequently. As a result, your comb will have more hair strands than usual.

5. A doctor’s consultation is a must

A doctor's opinion is required. You can talk to Dr. Punit about the mother's health and the best treatment options.

Final Words

Within six to seven months of delivery, hair loss issues may resolve on their own. However, if the problem persists or you have more than hundreds of strands on one comb, you should see a doctor right away.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Get The Best IVF Treatment in Mumbai at a Low Cost

 IVF may appear to be a significant financial investment for some families, but the joy it offers is unmistakable. When you've wanted to have a child for a long time but haven't been able to due to natural barriers and challenges, there's no need to be disappointed because IVF can help.

In In-Vitro Fertilisation, or IVF, is a cutting-edge process that assists couples in realizing their ambition of having children. Couples may face difficulties due to financial constraints.

Today we have some wonderful news to share with you. Treatment for IVF in Mumbai is a low-cost investment in medical care. Being a parent is now a financially reasonable option.

What’s the goal for IVF?

IVF has surpassed the limits of excellence as a method of reproductive technology since its inception. Thanks to one of the most ingenious innovations ever, many couples have been able to become parents. This has given many people who are unable to conceive naturally hope in their dreams of having children.

If we're talking about the reasons why IVF is even essential, you have to admit that it does provide some happiness. IVF was a huge success, and couples haven't needed to resort to alternative means of childbirth since.

So, if you've been looking for the ideal solution for a long time, IVF is the way to go.

IVF doesn’t have to be as costly as it was

If you're putting off IVF because you're afraid it'll be too expensive, you should reconsider as soon as possible because it's the most cost-effective option.

The cost of medical treatment will always be a role in your decision-making, but IVF costs aren't nearly as high as they were in the past when you choose one of the best clinics that guarantees the greatest results at the lowest cost.

It is normally a good idea to stick to your medical treatment budget, and IVF will bring you delight for the least amount of money. As a result, only the most reputed clinics should be considered while having the surgery done.

Making Smarter Decisions

If you're undergoing IVF, you'll need the assistance of a top clinic to complete the treatment. Punit, one of the leading centers in Mumbai, can help you do this by providing high-quality services and products at a reasonable price. As a result, make an appointment immediately.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Why Choose Punit Fertility Hospital (Kandivali, Mumbai) For Laparoscopic Surgery/Operation?

 Patients are always apprehensive about surgical treatments. However, while the treatments may be routine for a doctor, they are not for the patient. But, owing to science and technology, the medical business has evolved, reducing the need for invasive operating procedures that you despise.

Medical treatments have moved from major to minimally invasive operations as new medical instruments and technologies have become available.

These procedures are performed with accuracy without harming the mechanism or interior organs. laparoscopic Surgery in Mumbai, for example, is a widely used and extremely effective surgical method.

This surgery may be the best option for you if you have an abdominal condition or if you are a woman who is having problems with her reproductive system.

What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery in simple terms. These surgeries are done with minimal cuts for maximal alleviation and treatment, as opposed to other surgeries that require large cuts to cure an issue in the abdomen area.

The surgery was successful thanks to the Laparoscope, a small tool used by doctors to perform Laparoscopic surgery. A surgeon injects a tiny camera into the abdomen through modest wounds to create the instrument.

Doctors can use the camera to see what's going on within a person's body without having to undertake significant surgery. Similarly, a surgical operation is carried out by a team of experts by further insertions.

Laparoscopic surgery has a risk ratio of 1 in 4,000. That is why many doctors prescribe this miraculous treatment to their patients.

What procedures can be performed using laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is without a doubt one of the safest surgeries available today. But now the question is, "What types of procedures can be conducted with this technology, and whose problems can be cured?"

So let's make things simple for you. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, malignancy, diverticulitis, rectal prolapse, and severe constipation have all been treated using modern technology.

Aside from these procedures, the technique has been used to remove tiny tumors, adrenal glands, kidneys, and much more. All of this points to Laparoscopic having a greater efficacy rate, making it one of the greatest operations in the market.

How Do You Get Ready For Laparoscopic Surgery?

One of the most important things you should do before choosing a doctor and beginning the therapy is to prepare. Doctors' expertise and hospital specialty must be verified.

Punit Fertility Hospital (Kandivali, Mumbai), for example, is one of the most reputable Laparoscopic surgery centers in Mumbai. The hospital specializes in reproductive surgery and treatments, as well as abdominal surgeries and treatments. When considering surgery, you might consider hospitals such as Punit Fertility Hospital (Kandivali, Mumbai).

Why Choose Punit Fertility Hospital (Kandivali, Mumbai)?

Punit Fertility is a one-stop-shop for all dissatisfied parents who yearn to be the parents of a small child. The fertility-specialty hospital has been healing people's lives for a long time with its high-end talents.

The facility has a track record of successfully treating a variety of abdominal-related illnesses using specialized tools, techniques, and years of experience. Punit Fertility Hospital in Mumbai provides laparoscopic surgery.

Apart from minimally invasive surgery, the hospital is also known for period treatments, IVF, Ultrasound services, Women's cancer screening, and other women's and children's therapies.

What Is the Price of Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery charges typically range from Rs.38,500 to Rs.77,500. However, a patient's treatment needs to determine the final price. Punit Fertility Hospital, on the other hand, offers surgical treatment at a reasonable cost. That is why, before a major emergency occurs, you should bring the patient to Punit Fertility Hospital. At our hospital, Laparoscopic surgery is still substantially less expensive than other surgeries.


You have undoubtedly acquired all of the reasons to attend Punit Fertility Hospital in Kandivali, Mumbai. After all, the hospital has a reputation for offering patients the best and most cheap surgical procedures, as well as the highest success rate. If you're dealing with an abdominal condition or a reproductive issue, don't wait any longer to come to see us.

Friday 6 May 2022

Warning Signs During Pregnancy – Best Gynaecologist in Kandivali Mumbai

 The initial signs of pregnancy fill you with joy and excitement. After all, one of your childhood aspirations was to become a mother. You live each day to the fullest, taking all effort to avoid the bump that always reminds you of a bright future ahead.

However, this uncommon sensation isn't always associated with happiness, as you may be experiencing some unusual symptoms as a result of specific pregnancy issues. These symptoms can sometimes be seen by the pregnant lady herself. However, in the majority of cases, Gynaecologists in Kandivali Mumbai are required.

In this post, we go over the warning symptoms that may indicate something bad is about to happen during pregnancy. Because not every sign or mood is positive when you're ready to start a new life.

Early Warning Signs of Pregnancy

Not all pregnancy warning signs are the same, according to a gynecologist in Kandivali, Mumbai. These indications might appear early in pregnancy or beyond. As a result, you must determine when and what type of symptoms you are experiencing.

Pregnancy Early (Before 20 Weeks)

Some pregnant women have stomach discomfort, or the pregnancy comes with a distinct pain. Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage are medical terms for the symptoms that may appear early in the pregnancy.

Symptoms are as follows – 

Persistent pain in the abdomen 
Pain on the shoulder’s tip
Cramping in the lower abdomen
Severe pain

Pregnancy later (After 20 Weeks)

Women who are pregnant late may experience some uncommon symptoms that should not be overlooked. For example, if a pregnancy begins with aches after 20 weeks, these symptoms should be checked right away to avoid issues later.

Symptoms are as follows. 

Blurry eye-sight
Change in vision
Swelling in hands, face, and feet
Swelling in legs
Abnormal baby movement

Anytime During Pregnancy, There Are Warning Signs

It's time to go through some of the basic pregnancy warning signals quickly. These symptoms are untimely and can strike a pregnant lady at any time.

Unusual or severe stomach pain or back pain
Bleeding or fluid leaking from the vagina
Blurred or impaired vision
Frequent, severe, and/or constant headaches
Stomach muscles tighten
Dizziness in the body 
Decreased movements of the baby after 28 weeks
Excessive vomiting and diarrhea
Fever or chills during day or night
Muscle seizures
Pain or burning when urinating
Swelling of the face, fingers, and feet
Inability to tolerate food or liquids

What to do now?

If you assume it's merely a symptom of pregnancy, you may be jeopardizing your and your baby's health. That you must not do! As a mother, you should understand what is good and what is not throughout pregnancy. Please consult a Gynaecologist in Kandivali Mumbai as soon as you notice any problems with your abdomen or notice anything unusual in your body after pregnancy.

Gynecologists are doctors who specialize in treating and curing women's reproductive problems. They may be able to keep a better track of your health and offer the finest advice and treatment to keep the woman and her infant safe. If the mother continues to avoid check-ups, things are likely to get worse.


So don't wait any longer. Being a future mother is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't happen every day. This ailment frequently disappears and reappears. You must be prepared to face severe repercussions if permanent therapy is not sought. Visit a Gynaecologist as soon as possible for the best advice on what to do and what not to do during these delicate periods.

Tuesday 26 April 2022


 Women go through numerous difficult times during their lives. The stages might range from irregularities in the menstrual cycle to pregnancy complications and, finally, the due date. Women nowadays are always on the lookout for the most qualified Gynaecologist who can help them get through difficult times.

Fertility Punishment and Women's Treatment Punit Fertility and Women Therapy, India's most famous women's healthcare clinic dedicated solely to gynecological treatment, may help you relax about your gynecological health worries.

Here, you'll find top-quality medical care and affordable treatment alternatives. Expert advice and simple treatment alternatives enable you to conquer a wide range of women's issues. Expect fast results and a return to a healthy and normal way of life.


If you're unsure how to deal with problems produced by natural disasters, we'll tell you everything you need to know. After you get an appointment with a top Gynaecologist in Kandivali, the doctor will assess your condition. This will determine the root of the problem as well as the precise components that are causing the problems.

After the Gynecologist has informed you of your problems, you will be given a simple course of medicine and lifestyle adjustments to help you overcome them.

You'll also have access to low-cost treatment choices, so you won't have to worry about the cost of therapy.


Regardless of your age, you can get rid of your problem swiftly with the help of our skilled Gynaecologist. Our services include adolescent therapy, premarital counseling, early pregnancy counseling, sexual health, and breast care difficulties throughout pregnancy, family planning, and other gynecological issues.

Expert advice and therapy procedures tailored to women distinguish our treatment alternatives.

We're here to provide top-notch therapy and attention to ladies of all ages. It's much easier to return to normal life without any problems.


If you've been dealing with female troubles for a long time and want to get to the bottom of them, consulting a prominent gynecologist in Kandivali is the only option to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

It is possible to express your issues to knowledgeable specialists in an open and honest manner.

Delaying treatment can result in further difficulties. Make an appointment with an experienced gynecologist as soon as possible to alleviate any concerns. You can live a healthy and happy life and recover faster if you have a recognized treatment center and a professional.