Wednesday 31 March 2021

All about Knee Pain- By Dr. Kunal Patel Orthopedic Surgeon in Mumbai

A sudden injury, an overuse injury, or an underlying condition like arthritis may cause knee pain. Treatment can differ depending on the underlying cause. Knee injury symptoms include discomfort, swelling, and stiffness.

If you’re in a lot of pain, make sure you handle it properly.

Contact the best orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Kunal Patel, to get your knees treated the right way!

Friday 26 March 2021

Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms by Best Lady Gynecologist in Kandivali Mumbai

Pregnancy and no doubt postpartum are the most stressful and demanding times women have to face in life. Becoming a mom for the first time is exciting and full of fears as it comes with new challenges. This is why most of the first times, mom’s research how to keep their kid healthy and safe. 

If you are one of them, then through this blog, you will come to know about some tips for the first time mom’s given by the best lady gynecologist in Kandivali.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Best Treatment for Joint Pain by the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Mumbai

Dr. Kunal Patel is the best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai. He is known to cure joint pain in multiple patients and exhibits utmost care towards his patients.

Joint pain is a very normal occurrence. In one nationwide study, nearly one-third of adults said they had experienced joint pain in the previous 30 days. The most common symptom was knee pain, which was accompanied by shoulder and hip pain. However, joint pain can affect any part of your body, from your knees and feet to your shoulders and hands. Injuries to the joints become more frequent as you grow older.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Pilates during Pregnancy – Find out why it’s great?

During a healthy pregnancy low intensity exercise regime such as Pilates can be very beneficial for the mother to be and safe for the Fetus. Few of the numerous benefits include to help is maintaining healthy weight gain, toning muscles, assisting with circulation, decreasing fluid retention, and increased lung capacity through deep breathing – very helpful during labor.

Pilates is also excellent in maintaining a healthy pelvic floor, preventing urinary incontinence, preventing or decreasing back pain and assisting with faster recovery after the childbirth.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Gastroenterology Hospital In Chandigarh

 If you are suffering from bloating after having a meal or feeling some pain, then it can be due to what you are eating. So, make sure you consult a gastroenterology hospital in Chandigarh for the treatment.

Gastroenterology Hospital In Chandigarh
There can be various reasons you should visit a Gastroenterologist or, say, a digestion doctor if you face some issues with the intestine or stomach. But many of us relate to gastroenterologists just as stomach doctors, but you are wrong as they also treat normal diseases of the human body. 

Best Cancer Hospital In Chandigarh


Best Cancer Hospital In Chandigarh
Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases which need a special team for the treatment along with the best possible care. That means you have to choose the best doctor and hospital so that you will get well soon. However, some people prefer a doctor first and then the hospital or cancer centre in this regard. 
But, if you are confused about how to find the best cancer hospital in Chandigarh, then read this blog further.

Open Heart Surgery Hospital in Chandigarh

 Open Heart Surgery Hospital in Chandigarh

These days, shopping for anything is relatively easy as you can compare one model to another. But, in the case of a heart surgeon, you have to be extra careful as it is the matter of your body. 

Finding an excellent open-heart surgery hospital is not as easy as you think, as there are a number of them which prove to be the best.

So, if you want to go for open-heart surgery in Chandigarh, there is a one-stop destination i.e., Mukat Hospital. We are a well-known and reputed hospital in Chandigarh that offers treatment to the patients with their satisfaction as our main motive. Over the years, we are working day and night to provide excellent health services to our patients.

Thursday 11 March 2021


 Consistently numerous individuals experience the ill effects of knee-related issues and explanations behind knee-torment changes from individual to individual which must be distinguished after the conclusion. It is critical to get the issue on time and maintain a strategic distance from any significant harm to your hip bones. On the off chance that you need the best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai who has long periods of experience then Dr. Kunal Patel is perceived as the best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai. 

In the event that you’re searching for a total knee replacement surgeon in Mumbai, at that point Dr. Kunal Patel is the best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai. He has performed numerous fruitful medical procedures in the course of his life and helped numerous patients to get lasting alleviation from the torment.

Wednesday 10 March 2021


 Gynecologists are experts who base on ladies’ thriving, with a thought on the female regenerative framework. The best gynecologist in Mumbai gives the best work environments to the ladies’ hypothetical framework related issues.

We don’t right directly have the foggiest idea whether pregnant individuals have a logically indisputable possibility of becoming ill from COVID-19 than the general masses nor whether they will without a doubt have genuine illness thusly. Thinking about open data by the best gynecologist in Mumbai, pregnant individuals appear to have an equivalent hazard as grown-ups who are not pregnant.

Monday 8 March 2021

Pilates Training for Beginners | Tips for Getting Started

 Pilates studios in Bangalore

Pilates is getting popular these days as it offers a balanced body and balanced life by which you can lead a happy life. But there is one thing that differentiates Pilates from normal exercise, which we do at home. That is, Pilates have different standards for beginners, which they have to keep in mind before starting. 

Pilates studios in Bangalore recommend that being hydrated is very much essential, especially in Pilates, no matter what type of sports you are playing. The reason is Pilates helps in keeping the joints lubricated and also helps muscles to function well.


 Pilates studio in Bangalore

Finally, you have made the decision to become a Pilates Teacher. But after that, there are many things which you have to look after. Like, what type of Pilates Bridging Program you want to go for. However, there is an end number of choices, but it is often quite overwhelming and confusing. 

Before joining any of the Pilates Bridging programs, make sure to visit the Pilates studio in Bangalore. And after that, interview the person who will teach you during your program.

Classical Pilates & Mindfulness

 One of the buzzwords that has been trending in the wellness space for a while now is ‘mindfulness’, which is simply being in the present, in the now.

With mental health and the importance of the body, mind and spirit connect in holistic wellbeing garnering more and more relevance in today’s context, it is prudent to include a meditative practice into your regular fitness regime.

Now we’ve often heard that practicing Classical Pilates enhances one’s focus and concentration. For instance, this means that you are able to enjoy a good book without your mind straying to the notifications on your phone. Or that you can simply soak in a great view in front of you, while doing nothing else.

Don’t Ignore That Pain, Get Started on the Road to Recovery

 Have you noticed how the term ‘injury’ has become such common verbiage today? There is always that one strain or sprain or muscle pull that we just can’t seem to overcome.

There used to be a time when this word was used only by athletes, sportspersons and those who engaged in heavy-duty workouts. More than a decade ago, when someone announced they had an injury in a fitness class, the rest of the group looked at them almost admiringly, marvelling at how the person must be really fit to get a ‘workout injury’.

Do You find it difficult to choose the best Orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai?

 Orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai

Joints in the body of the individual play an essential role as they offer mobility so that you can move freely. That means through them, we can walk, sit, bend, run, and, not the least, perform day-to-day activities that need motion. But nowadays, most individuals worldwide are suffering from joint pain, numbness, or any other type of injury in their joints. 

This problem asks for treatment from the best orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai if you are residing in Mumbai. But most people find it challenging to select the best orthopedic surgeon. However, there can be many reasons for this difficulty. But if you are one of them who is getting difficulty in finding the best orthopedic surgeon in Mumbai, then you have reached the right place.


 Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgeon In Mumbai

These days most people are suffering from shoulder pain due to various reasons. However, to get rid of this problem, doctors prefer shoulder arthroscopy, which is a widespread procedure these days. Basically, it is the surgical procedure that helps in visualizing, diagnosing, and then final treatment.

But in this regard, the main question that arises is to get the best shoulder arthroscopy surgeon in Mumbai.

If you are residing in Mumbai or nearby areas, then Dr. Kunal Patel is the best surgeon who offers shoulder arthroscopy treatment. Over the years, he has performed an end number of shoulder surgeries with due care so that individuals cannot face any problem afterward.

Sunday 7 March 2021


 best gynecologists in Mumbai

Giving birth to the child is a very extraordinary and highly natural experience for the women. But if you talk about expected delivery, it is said to be a relatively risky and intolerable painful experience. The reason for this is lack of knowledge, and that’s why most women these days prefer C-section.

According to the best gynecologists in Mumbai, a healthy diet is vital both for women and the child as it will offer healthy growth. Apart from that, proper nutrition makes you strong and nourishes the women’s body to face normal birth challenges.

Know About IVF Treatment in Mumbai

After marriage, every couple needs their loving kids so that their family can be completed. But, due to various reasons, one out of eight women in India has difficulty getting pregnant and also staying pregnant. On the bright side, with advancements in technology, men and women are blessed with one of the innovative options: IVF, also called Vitro Fertilization.

IVF treatment in Mumbai brings the couple one step closer to have kids. But unfortunately, the whole process of IVF involves many steps that create fear in the couple’s minds. But if you take IVF treatment from a good clinic, the doctor will tell you everything about it before starting treatment.

Tuesday 2 March 2021


Joint pain isn’t a new problem. Its existence in human life can be seen from the last few decades. Worldwide, people are struggling with the most common joint issues, e.g., Osteoarthritis or arthritis is the most prevalent joint problem. 

Meanwhile, if you or someone from your family seeks the best joint treatment, then undoubtedly, you have landed at the right spot.

Here we have brought you the perfect and the purest Ayurvedic solution by AyurvedaVaid. 

Get this 100% certified Ayurvedic Joint Pain Relief Kit by AyurvedaVaid that provides you guaranteed relief from joint problems. 

This joint pain relief kit provides you relief from the following joints problems:


Most people either don’t figure out or only pretend to overlook the root-cause of relationship problems- the one-and-only “sexual problem.” Often people ignore it as they feel shy because they don’t want other people to make fun of them. But instead of being drowned by your problem, if you show a little courage and find a way out of it, you can definitely change your life. 

However, there’s no need to visit clinics to share your problems openly with an unknown person amid the group of patients because the solution is now possible online. 

Buy natural sexual wellness Ayurvedic kit by AyurvedaVaid that resolves your problem immediately, and your life begins to get back on track.


Hey, are you ready to say goodbye to joint pain? If, yes then you have reached the right place. With the help of an Ayurvedic joint pain relief kit from Ayurveda Vaid, you can get yourself rid of severe joint pain.

Basically, these days joint pain is getting very much prevalent among men and women. However, there are many reasons that cause joint pain in multiple parts of the body like, hip, knee, feet, spine, etc.

So let’s discuss some of the common causes of joint pain before heading to the best treatment option: