Friday 26 February 2016

Raise & Retain you Testosterone levels- The Essence of Being a Man

Testosterone is far more than the material of the alpha male's boasting. Apart from fueling sex drive and muscle mass, levels of the hormone are connected with language and congnitive abilities too. Testosterone flucatuates according to age and circumstances, often dipping at the start of parenthood and increasing(for some) during moments of victory and excitement.

Studies have shown that in the present times, men all across the globe has about 20 % less testosterone than what men of the same age did just about two decades ago. That’s a massive dip! So if you ever feel that men today don’t have the same agility or virility as your grandpa did, they don’t look and act as masculine as the robust men you see in black and white photographs, it’s not just in your head. It’s because the levels of testosterone flowing through the veins of today’s males aren’t ample anymore.

So how can one raise and retain their testosterone levels? And is it normal for the testosterone to dip? The slow drop in testosterone is a natural process and is called "Andropause". But various lifestyle diseases, liver or kidney related problems, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pituitary gland problem and testicle injuries can also decrease the level of testosterone. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and steroid medicines also have an adverse effect on the same. This condition is called “Hypogonadism”. 

A dip in testosterone can also be caused due to our modern lifestyles. Unhealthy diet, inactivity, increased weight, stress, anxiety, irregular sleeping patterns, etc. are also contributors to decreased testosterone levels. It has been propounded that environmental toxins and pollution are also playing a big role. Many modern everyday products and foods contain chemicals that raise your levels of estrogen, and decrease your testosterone.


Testosterone is often termed as the MALE HORMONE. Testosterone is a steroid hormone from androgen group. It is the most potent of naturally occurring androgens. Testosterone plays a pivotal role in development of male reproductive tissues such as testis and prostrate and is also responsible for the development of the male sex characteristics such as deep voice, growth of body hair, increased muscle and bone mass. 
The medical condition when the testicles don’t produce enough of the male sex hormone testosterone is known as HYPOGONADISM. There are two types of Hypogonadism:
Primary: Also known as the primary testicular failure, it originates from a problem in the testicles. 
Secondary: This occurs when the Pituitary gland or the Hypothalamus fails to send signals to the testis to produce the hormone. 
Hypogonadism can be caused by an inherited trait or can occur due to some injury or infection. 
Causes of Primary Hypogonadism:
•Klinefelter’s Syndrome:  This condition is an inborn abnormality of X and Y chromosomes. A male normally has one X and one Y chromosome. In Klinefelter’s Syndrome two or more X chromosomes are present, which causes abnormal development of testicles in turn resulting in underproduction of testosterone.

Understand about Testosterone Levels

What Is Testosterone?
Testosterone may be the most notorious of hormones. It conjures up thoughts of muscles and masculinity. In fact, testosterone does fuel sex drive and muscle mass, but it also regulates mood and bone strength. 

Aging and Testosterone Levels

A slow drop in testosterone is a normal part of aging, sometimes called "andropause" or "male menopause." For many men, this doesn't cause any significant problems or symptoms. Others may notice hot flashes, irritable moods, or less interest in sex.

Low Testosterone and the Body

Low testosterone can cause visible changes in some men:
  • Thinner muscles
  • Loss of body hair
  • Smaller, softer testicles
  • Larger breasts


Low Testosterone Affects Bones

You may think osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease, is a woman's disease, but it can affect men as well. Low testosterone is a common cause. As testosterone levels fall, the bones may get thinner, weaker, and more likely to break.

Low Testosterone and Sex

A drop in testosterone doesn't always interfere with sex, but it can make it more difficult for your brain and body to get aroused. Some men may notice a drop in libido, while others may lose interest in sex completely. Low testosterone can also make it tougher to get or keep an erection.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Most Commonly broken Bones

You can fracture any bone in your body, however some bones square measure easier to interrupt compared to others. Fractures generally result from a fall, a collision, or alternative trauma caused by physical activity or a motorcar accident. Learn a lot of concerning the bones within the physique that square measure most ordinarily broken and what you’ll do to treat them if they break.

Most Commonly broken Bones Are

The OS, or clavicle, rests between the higher ribcage and therefore the shoulder bone. because the bone that connects the arm to the body, the os serves a very important perform however is also straightforward to interrupt owing to its position and slender form. broken clavicles will happen in infants passing through the birth canal; throughout sports, particularly ones that don’t involve padding; and automotive accidents. Typically, a bump can develop and therefore the arm won’t work properly. A broken os typically is treated with associate degree arm sling.
Read More at -  Most Commonly broken Bones

Avoiding Diabetes Complications

Having diabetes can result in many other complications, such as damage to the heart, nerves, kidneys, feet, eyes, and skin. If you have diabetes, you may also have a greater risk for osteoporosis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some diabetes complications are related to high or low blood sugar, while others are related to how long you've had diabetes.
The best way to mange diabetes and avoid diabetes complications is by monitoring your blood sugar (glucose) with a glucose meter, or glucometer. "How often you monitor your blood sugar depends on the type of diabetes you have, if you have diabetes complications, and your diabetes treatment plan," says Amber Taylor, MD, director of diabetes at The Center for Endocrinology of Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, Md.

Question to ask your Knee Replacement Surgeon

You should ne’er create the choice to proceed with any procedure gentlyand also the call to proceed with knee replacement surgery is not any completely different. There square measure over 700,000 total knee replacement surgeries performed within the U.S. every year. albeit it’s such a standard procedure, eachsurgery carries sure risks. If you or a love are having knee replacement surgery, you almost certainly have several queries and considerationsmake sure to handle these considerations together with your medical man before the procedure is regular. Remember, you’renot simply asking inquiries to get infoyou’reevaluating your physician’s temperament and clientservice skills.Knee Replacement Consultation Have a spoken language
Read More at - Question to ask your Knee Replacement Surgeon

Do Sugar, Alcohol & Diabetes Mix

People with diabetes know they must carefully watch their sugar intake as part of their diabetes diet and limit their alcohol consumption. But following a diabetes diet does not mean you need to completely eliminate sugar from your daily meals and snacks. You just need to be smart about what you eat and keep close tabs on the sugars in foods.
The same goes for alcohol — if you pay close attention to your blood sugar levels, you should be able to drink a little when you attend a social gathering or are out casually with friends. Here's how to do it safely.

 A major part of diabetes management involves keeping your blood sugar levels stable. No matter what type of diabetes you have, this is an ongoing challenge:

Acupressure points for diabetes

Acupressure is an alternative treatment to cure various diseases. There are hundreds of acupressure points in our body. By Putting physical pressure on the right acupressure points, one can not only relieve the stress and tension but can also get rid of various diseases including the rampant diabetesAcupressure is helpful for both the pre-diabetics and the diabetics. Acupressure along with healthy diet and herbal diabetes management medicines can help.

Following acupressure points can not only help relieve the pain for the diabetics but can also help prevent diabetes.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Tips to relieve from daily hip pain.

Whether you’re experiencing hip pain from arthritis or a distinct condition, you recognize however tough it is to complete everyday tasks. The joint inflammation and swelling will hinder your movements after you walk, bend, and turn.Fortunately, there square measure a couple of stuff you will do reception to alleviate this hip pain. Keep reading to find out additional regarding the way to scale back your pain and find back to your life.
Starting your day with a couple of easy hip exercises or non-impact workouts will facilitate increase the vary of motion in your hip and scale back pain. Loosening your muscles can activate them to create the remainder of your day less painful.
For a bridge exercises, lie on your back along with your legs bent and your feet flat on the ground hip-width apart. move on your ankles and lift your buttocks off the ground, modification your abdominal muscles. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds then lower yourself back to the ground.
Non-impact exercises like swimming, yoga, and athletics may also activate your muscles and assist you feel higher. take care to avoid high-impact activities like running and jumping, though, as they’ll create your pain even worse. If you wish to urge out and speak a walk, take care to require some time to be simple on your joints.
If you’re coping with hip pain caused by inflammatory disease, losing a couple of pounds if you’re overweight will facilitate relieve pain. this may take some pressure off the joint.

Friday 19 February 2016

Natural helper for PCOS in your body !

Did you know that you have a natural helper for PCOS in your body?
Yes,Women have a hormone that is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands that is like Valium bathing the female mind.It helps reduce anxiety and is known as the peaceful hormone.It also helps us sleep soundly through the entire night and combats the excess androgenic hormones that are found in women who have PCOS.

Thursday 18 February 2016

How to find Orthopedic Surgeon for Joint Replacement

If you’re coping with draining joint pain or a severe joint injury, you perceive what proportion it affects your way of life. If you’ve tried non-surgical treatment ways while not success, surgery is also your solely possibility. whereas you’ll be apprehensive concerning undergoing surgery, joint replacements and different othopaedic surgeries are formed over the years and square measure terribly commonplace these days.
, that you just will trust together with your health could be a crucial part of the surgery method. Keep reading notice out|to be told} the way to find an informed, reliable operating surgeon World Health Organization can perform your surgery properly and find you back on the road to recovery as shortly as doable.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Home remedies for irregular periods

There could be many reasons for irregular periods. Hormonal imbalance to unbalanced diet, stress or lack of sleep, any of these can be the culprits. One such condition is Poly cystic Ovary Disease (PCOD). The hormone imbalances of PCOD can interfere with monthly ovulation, causing missed menstrual periods and leading to infertility. Because PCOD involves insulin resistance, women with PCOD have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So don’t ignore “Irregular periods” and get yourself tested for PCOD. If you have PCOD, then adopt a healthy lifestyle; exercise, have a balanced diet and take nutraceuticals to combat PCOD naturally. Furocyst, an effective nutraceuticals has proven efficacy for treating PCOD/PCOS.

For other reasons of irregular menstrual cycle, try the following home remedies for irregular periods:


In India more than 62 million individuals are currently diagnosed with diabetes, which is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic. Most likely it is the combination of our food, lifestyle and genetics, which make Indians more prone to this medical condition. Physical inactivity and the consumption of fatty, high-caloric and sugary foods vastly increase the risk of becoming a diabetic. There are many early warning signs or symptoms of diabetes. Early detection and proper management of diabetes can reduce one’s risk of developing further complications associated with Diabetes

Following are the symptoms of diabetes:

Tuesday 16 February 2016

How to minimize risk of Complication after Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery may be a safe, effective procedure that several have undergone to regain motion in their joints. This surgery is crucial for a few patients WHO have suffered an excellent deal of joint harm and were unable to perform activities that they once enjoyed.
Like all major surgical procedures, there is also risks related to joint replacement surgery. It’s necessary to require care of yourself properly when your surgery so as to forestall any complications which will develop.
Complications following joint replacement surgery disagree from one surgery to a different. These risks embody blood clots, respiratory organ congestion, infection, stiffness, and implant failure.

Early Detection of Insulin Resistance Can Solve PCOS Puzzle

Do you wonder what is causing your PCOS?  If you could just identify what is causing it, possibly you could remove the cause and this disease would go away. Or at least be much easier to manage.
For the majority of women with polycystic ovary syndrome, a primary cause of symptoms is the presence of a medical condition called “insulin resistance”.  Insulin resistance simply means your cells are “resistant” to or are under-responding to the hormone insulin.  Therefore, insulin cannot efficiently tell the cells to store blood sugar or perform a multitude of other tasks.  The result is that the entire body is thrown into a state of imbalance and distress, leading to weight gain, belly fat, ovulation problems, mood disorders, and skin and hair issues.

6 Ways to Tame Stress When You Have Diabetes

Stress can hamper your diabetes care. For instance, if you have so much on your mind that you skip meals or forget to take your medicines, that will affect your blood sugar level.
Life will always have challenges and setbacks, but you have the power to choose how you respond to it. Use these six tips as a start.
As you start to feel better after your transplant, you may be struck by the sudden return of your appetite. After being sick for a while, it can be a great feeling. For the first time in ages, you really enjoy eating again. But as great as that feeling is, eating a lot has that well-known downside: weight gain. And unfortunately, the steroids that you're taking can both boost your appetite and make it harder for your body to use carbohydrates. The result can be excess fat. Experts say that wait...