Friday 26 February 2016

Understand about Testosterone Levels

What Is Testosterone?
Testosterone may be the most notorious of hormones. It conjures up thoughts of muscles and masculinity. In fact, testosterone does fuel sex drive and muscle mass, but it also regulates mood and bone strength. 

Aging and Testosterone Levels

A slow drop in testosterone is a normal part of aging, sometimes called "andropause" or "male menopause." For many men, this doesn't cause any significant problems or symptoms. Others may notice hot flashes, irritable moods, or less interest in sex.

Low Testosterone and the Body

Low testosterone can cause visible changes in some men:
  • Thinner muscles
  • Loss of body hair
  • Smaller, softer testicles
  • Larger breasts


Low Testosterone Affects Bones

You may think osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease, is a woman's disease, but it can affect men as well. Low testosterone is a common cause. As testosterone levels fall, the bones may get thinner, weaker, and more likely to break.

Low Testosterone and Sex

A drop in testosterone doesn't always interfere with sex, but it can make it more difficult for your brain and body to get aroused. Some men may notice a drop in libido, while others may lose interest in sex completely. Low testosterone can also make it tougher to get or keep an erection.

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