Friday 26 February 2016

Raise & Retain you Testosterone levels- The Essence of Being a Man

Testosterone is far more than the material of the alpha male's boasting. Apart from fueling sex drive and muscle mass, levels of the hormone are connected with language and congnitive abilities too. Testosterone flucatuates according to age and circumstances, often dipping at the start of parenthood and increasing(for some) during moments of victory and excitement.

Studies have shown that in the present times, men all across the globe has about 20 % less testosterone than what men of the same age did just about two decades ago. That’s a massive dip! So if you ever feel that men today don’t have the same agility or virility as your grandpa did, they don’t look and act as masculine as the robust men you see in black and white photographs, it’s not just in your head. It’s because the levels of testosterone flowing through the veins of today’s males aren’t ample anymore.

So how can one raise and retain their testosterone levels? And is it normal for the testosterone to dip? The slow drop in testosterone is a natural process and is called "Andropause". But various lifestyle diseases, liver or kidney related problems, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pituitary gland problem and testicle injuries can also decrease the level of testosterone. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and steroid medicines also have an adverse effect on the same. This condition is called “Hypogonadism”. 

A dip in testosterone can also be caused due to our modern lifestyles. Unhealthy diet, inactivity, increased weight, stress, anxiety, irregular sleeping patterns, etc. are also contributors to decreased testosterone levels. It has been propounded that environmental toxins and pollution are also playing a big role. Many modern everyday products and foods contain chemicals that raise your levels of estrogen, and decrease your testosterone.

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