Wednesday 17 February 2016

Home remedies for irregular periods

There could be many reasons for irregular periods. Hormonal imbalance to unbalanced diet, stress or lack of sleep, any of these can be the culprits. One such condition is Poly cystic Ovary Disease (PCOD). The hormone imbalances of PCOD can interfere with monthly ovulation, causing missed menstrual periods and leading to infertility. Because PCOD involves insulin resistance, women with PCOD have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So don’t ignore “Irregular periods” and get yourself tested for PCOD. If you have PCOD, then adopt a healthy lifestyle; exercise, have a balanced diet and take nutraceuticals to combat PCOD naturally. Furocyst, an effective nutraceuticals has proven efficacy for treating PCOD/PCOS.

For other reasons of irregular menstrual cycle, try the following home remedies for irregular periods:

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